We Create Leaders That Create Leaders

We create leaders who are workplace innovators through training, team building and coaching.
Our coaching and training philosophy is centered around a process that works to create positive behavioral change in individuals and teams. We focus on customizing a solution that is right for each organization.
You can learn about our coaching process here. This process incorporates 360° evaluation and/or personality assessment with one-on-one coaching sessions. To learn more about how we measure the results of coaching tied to individual and business performance, read more here.
Every organization is unique. We don’t offer the standard “plug and play” training programs. We listen to what you need and foster a customized process to help your unique organization succeed with its talent. Our Beyond Leadership ™ and Beyond Talent ™ approach is grounded in the philosophy that leaders make more leaders, and to that end, all our training focuses on leaders empowering others to be successful.
Below are some key training topics and outlines we use as a basis to customize programs for your organization.
Beyond Leadership
Designed for Managers of People
- DiSC Understand Yourself & Others – Managers
- Performance Management
- New Supervisor Training
- Change Management
- Basics of Leadership
- Stress Management
- HR Basics/Sensitivity Training
- Building a Psychologically Safe Workplace
- Skill vs Will
- Graceful Accountability
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Beyond Talent
Designed for Individual Contributors and Managers
- DiSC Understand Yourself & Others – Individual Contributor
- Disc Motivator Checklist
- Personal Leadership & Time Management
- Communication Skills
- Conflict Management
- Generations in the Workplace
- Leaders as Career Agents
- Feedback and Feedforward Training
- 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
- Creating a Culture of Customer Service
- Effective Business Writing
- Enneagram for Effective Teams
- How to Be (Im)Perfect
- Impacting Labor Force Participation
Strategic Planning
- Executive/Board Retreat
- Team Building
- Company Value Mapping
- Design Thinking Workshop for HR Pros
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- DEI at Work
- Building Inclusive Teams
- Intercultural Competence
- Equitable Hiring Practices
- Illuminate: Workplace Wellness and Wellbeing
HR/Legal Updates
“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.”
Tom Peters
Case Studies

Nonprofit Board Retreat

Customized Assessments & Succession Planning

Leadership Coaching & Development

Board & Staff Retreat

Strategic Talent Management

Customized DiSC Training

Organizational Development & Training

Leadership Training