Horizon Point partners with organizations across the Southeast (and beyond!) to provide group training and events that are typically open to the public. Members of our team speak at conferences, workshops, professional development programs, and more. After most events, we will share resources here on this page. Check back for where to find us next and contact us today about speaking to your group!

Who Cares About Ethics?
with Jillian Miles Massey

Wiregrass HR Management Association (WHRMA)
Monthly Meeting
March 12, 2025

This session will explore the true meaning of ethics in the workplace, debunking common myths and emphasizing the importance of honesty, fairness, and integrity. Participants will learn practical steps for making ethical decisions and how to lead by example, fostering a culture of inclusivity and trust. The session will also address how to manage and communicate ethical expectations, empowering attendees to navigate complex situations with confidence.


The Relationshipping Revolution
with Emily Collins & Jillian Miles Massey

Shoals SHRM
Monthly Meeting
March 13, 2025

The Relationship Revolution offers practical tools for building authentic, lasting connections. Learn how to foster relationships through gratitude, humility, and a people-first mindset, with actionable techniques like storytelling, thank-you notes, and meaningful check-ins. Discover strategies to expand your network authentically and create deeper connections within your community.


Dare to Lead with Grace
with Jillian Miles Massey

Dare Conference @ Mississippi State University
Undergraduate Women in Business (UWiB)
April 11, 2025

Dare Conference is for ​students, faculty, alumni and ​professionals with an interest ​in business and a desire to ​connect with like-minded ​women. Jillian will be speaking about “Dare to Lead with Grace” – remembering the humanity of ourselves as we grow in our careers.

Professional Development for CTE Educators
with Mary Ila Ward

ACTE Region IV Conference
Oklahoma City, OK
April 23-25, 2025

ACTE Regional Conferences provide professional development opportunities that can advance your knowledge and skills in CTE and leadership development. They are designed for CTE leaders to: CONNECT with other educators from across their region to learn about best practices and new innovations; COLLABORATE on strategies for expanding access to high-quality CTE and addressing shared challenges; CELEBRATE extraordinary CTE programs and educators.

Horizon Point is a proud sponsor of the event, and Mary Ila will be speaking about “Professional Development for CTE Educators”.


The People First Method
with Jillian Miles Massey

Women’s Economic Development Council
Leadership Training Luncheon
February 13, 2025

The People First Method offers practical tools for building authentic, lasting connections. Learn how to foster relationships through gratitude, humility, and a people-first mindset, with actionable techniques like storytelling, thank-you notes, and meaningful check-ins. Discover strategies to expand your network authentically and create deeper connections within your community.



What’s Relationshipping, and How Do I Do It?
with Jillian Miles Massey

Leadership Greater Huntsville
January 14, 2025

Networking establishes connection. Relationshipping builds bridges and two-way streets with sidewalks and wildflowers! When we relationship (yes, we’re using it as a verb), we have a sense of belonging. Belonging feeds engagement, creativity, and passion, which generate business success and real community impact. Come relationship with us!

Session Resources

Alabama State Department of Education: Career Coach Conference

Bryant Conference Center, Tuscaloosa, AL
January 14-16, 2025

Horizon Point is proud to sponsor the Career Coach Conference, hosted by the Alabama State Department of Education and CTE Alabama! We will be on site in the exhibit hall, and we’d be thrilled to talk with you about Career & Technical Education (CTE) continuing education opportunities, like our Facilitating Career Development (FCD) and School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Training.


2024 Women in Business Celebration

Decatur Morgan County Chamber
November 21, 2024

Horizon Point is a proud sponsor of the Decatur Chamber’s 20th Women in Business Celebration. The luncheon will also feature the presentation of the 2024 ATHENA Leadership Award, an honor presented across the world by Chambers of Commerce, women’s organizations and universities.

Mary Ila Ward

Prior to the luncheon, the Chamber is hosting a Professional Development conference featuring Mary Ila as a speaker: “How to be (Im)Perfect: Embracing the Complexity of Leadership”. Mary Ila’s session begins at 9:30am.

Session Resources

2024 Breakfast & Biz 4th Quarter

Jillian Miles Massey
November 21, 2024

Description: Join Jillian  at the Decatur Morgan County Chamber’s next Breakfast & Biz event at The Magnolia Room. She will help you unlock your team’s creative potential by teaching you how to coach and guide them through innovative problem-solving techniques.


Alabama Talent Development Conference

Mary Ila Ward
November 8, 2024

Description: Calling all Talent Developers! This year’s ALTDC features content hitting all 3 ATD Capabilities, and Mary Ila’s session will look at effective (and realistic) talent development strategies. Horizon Point is also proud to be a Silver Sponsor for this event.


University of Alabama HR Management Conference

“Turning the Tide: Tackling Toxicity in the Workplace”
Lorrie Coffey & Jillian Miles Massey
October 30, 2024

Description: The Annual HRM Conference is designed to develop the full range of skills and knowledge vital to the success of the contemporary human resource professional. Presented by experienced human resource and employment law experts from across the state, this conference is consistently referred to as a “must attend” event!

MASA Fall 2024 Annual Business Meeting and Leadership Conference

“Training & Development Toolbox for Administrators”
Taylor Simmons
October 21, 2024

Description: Join us for an engaging session designed to enhance leadership and career development within your school system. Taylor’s workshop will provide practical tools and strategies to support both your professional journey and the growth of your team and the students you serve.


Alabama Employment Law & Compliance Conference

“Violence in the Workplace”
Lorrie Coffey
October 11, 2024

Description: Do you ever ask yourself “What do these HR legislations mean?”, “How do I remain compliant?” If so, you’re not alone! Join us  to hear from leading experts about topics including FLSA updates, affirmative action obligations, best practices to mitigate risk, and more! Lorrie’s session will focus on preventing and managing instances of violence in the workplace, referring to legislation and best practices.


AARC Conference

Recruitment & Retention: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There!
Lorrie Coffey
October 8, 2024

Description: The Alabama Association of Regional Councils is hosting their annual Training Conference in Huntsville on October 6-9. Lorrie and Mary Ila will be hitting two big topics: Recruitment & Retention and Leadership in the “New Normal”. If you work for a COG in Alabama, come hang out with us!


AARC Conference

Leading Staff in the New Normal
Mary Ila Ward
October 8, 2024

Description: The Alabama Association of Regional Councils is hosting their annual Training Conference in Huntsville on October 6-9. Lorrie and Mary Ila will be hitting two big topics: Recruitment & Retention and Leadership in the “New Normal”. If you work for a COG in Alabama, come hang out with us!


NACC WFD HR & Leadership Conference

Recruitment & Retention: What’s New?
Jillian Miles Massey
October 3, 2024

Description: Hear from industry experts as they discuss hot HR topics affecting Northeast Alabama and beyond. Jillian’s session will focus on current trends and best practices related to recruitment and retention that map to organizational success. Join us!


Leadership Greater Huntsville

“Relationshipping: Building and Sustaining Meaningful Connections”
Jillian Miles Massey
July 30, 2024

Go Rocket City! Summer Intern Program

“Best Practices for Networking and Communication”
Jillian Miles Massey
June 18, 2024

AACE Summer Conference

“Big Partnerships, Big Impact”
Mary Ila Ward
July 24, 2024

Alabama CTE Summer Professional Development Conference

Marketing Your Programs
Taylor Simmons
July 24, 2024

SHE Means Business Conference

Panel: Dealing with the Unexpected
Mary Ila Ward
June 11, 2024

Huntsville Young Professionals

“Crafting Your Professional Blueprint”
Jillian Miles Massey
May 23, 2024



Jillian Miles Massey
Panel on Succession Planning
May 7, 2024



Description: NAVIGATE Nonprofit Network Conference is an annual event that encourages nonprofit board members, staff, and volunteers to learn from and strengthen each other. This affordable, high-quality professional development across a wide range of topics connects nonprofit leaders with the strategies that will help them navigate challenges and help their organizations thrive.


NASHRM Spring Workshop
Handling Toxicity in the Workplace
Lorrie Coffey
April 9, 2024












Limestone County SRHM
Emotional Intelligence
Lorrie Coffey
March 20, 2024



Who Are You Bringing Down (or UP) With You
Jillian Miles Massey
March 13, 2024




  • How professional and personal relationships are impacted through negativity, dismissiveness, and disregarding others’ ideas and contributions
  • Practical tools, tips, and tricks to focus efforts and communication on bringing others UP
ATD Birmingham
Blending ADDIE with Design Thinking
Jillian Miles Massey
February 26, 2024


Description: Let’s innovate Instructional Design! ADDIE is a sound and proven process for creating effective training, while design thinking is a problem-solving mindset. What if we combined them?! Design thinking can boost the ADDIE process in several ways, including helping you truly understand the problem you’re solving; helping you develop empathy for stakeholders, including learners; and ensuring your solution will work before you start developing it.


Slide Deck

UA Professional Development Division
Respectful Workplace and Sexual Harassment
Lorrie Coffey
February 15 & 23, 2024





Leadership Greater Huntsville – Management Academy

How to Illuminate Your Workforce: Meeting Survive and Thrive Needs
Mary Ila Ward
February 14, 2024

Huntsville Young Professionals

“New Year, New ResuME”
Jillian Miles Massey
February 6, 2024

Description: Join us for an engaging and informative Professional Resume Interactive Workshop hosted by Jillian Miles Massey from Horizon Point Consulting. This workshop is designed to help you craft a compelling resume that showcases your unique skills and experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to update your CV or a recent graduate entering the job market, this event is tailored to meet your needs.

BBB Lunch & Learn

Basics of Leadership & Leaders As Career Agents
Jillian Miles Massey
February 6, 2024

Description: Better Business Bureau of North Alabama is hosting a Leadership Development Workshop for First-Time Supervisors. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, February 6th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Redstone Federal Credit Union Twickenham Center, 200 Davis Circle SW, Huntsville, AL 35801.

Leadership Greater Huntsville – Management Academy

“What’s Relationshipping, and How Do I Do It?”
Jillian Miles Massey
January 9, 2024

AFWA Huntsville and IIA North Alabama Conference

“One Workforce: Understanding Yourself & Others”
Jillian Miles Massey
January 9, 2024

ANEW Quarterly Networking Meeting
What’s Relationshipping, and How Do I Do It?
Jillian Miles Massey
December 19, 2023




Description: Networking establishes connection. Relationshipping builds bridges and two-way streets with sidewalks and wildflowers! When we relationship (yes, we’re using it as a verb), we have a sense of belonging. Belonging feeds engagement, creativity, and passion, which generate business success and real community impact. Come relationship with us!

Relationshipping Slides
“Relationshipping – The New Networking”
“Stop Networking and Start Relationshipping”
Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age
Atlas of the Heart

BBB North Alabama
DiSC Refresh! Training
Jillian Miles Massey
December 13, 2023


Description: The DiSC Workplace Assessments helps participants build self-awareness to understand their personal work style and understand others’ personality and style. The profile is then used to facilitate training to help participants apply their self-awareness and awareness of others to build better working relationships and outcomes. In this Refresh! training, we will (re)learn DiSC concepts and apply them to current workplace situations.


DiSC Overview One Pager
DiSC Refresh! Slides

Management Academy (MA-14)
What Make’s a Good Team? Psychological Safety!
Jillian Miles Massey
November 14, 2023

Description: What makes a team successful? Why can one team build lasting competitive advantage for an organization while another just creates dysfunction? Research tells us that the number one thing that separates successful from unsuccessful teams is the presence of psychological safety. It isn’t about how smart we are or about how teams are organized or structured, it’s about how we treat one
another. Psychological safety is a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. In psychologically safe teams, team members feel accepted and respected..


Why We Cringe at the Word “Accomodation”
Lorrie Coffey
October 30-November 1, 2023



Description: Join us at SHRM INCLUSION 2023 where you will take away the tools, best practices, and actionable solutions to build a positive, inclusive, and innovative culture in your workplace. Not only will you gain knowledge on how to boost employee satisfaction, but you’ll also learn how to positively affect your organization’s bottom line and empower individuals to reach their full potential. At INCLUSION 2023 you will obtain practical applications to help you expand your thinking, foster inclusiveness, and increase your cultural awareness to become an even stronger diversity, equity, and inclusion champion. In-person and virtual pass options are available.


UA HRM Conference 2023
Survive, Thrive and Illuminate: Innovating Workplace Wellness and Wellbeing
Jillian Miles Massey & Lorrie Coffey
October 27, 2023





Madison Chamber of Commerce &  Catalyst
“Quiet Quitting: How to prevent staff turnover proactively”
Jillian Miles Massey
October 25, 2023





2023 Annual AARC Training Conference
Graceful Accountability
Evaluating Performance from the Perspective of Supervisor versus Employee
Mary Ila Ward
October 10, 2023



2023 Annual AARC Training Conference
Building a Psychologically Safe Workplace
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Lorrie Coffey
October 9, 2023


Athens State SHRM
Panel: Entering the Workforce as a Newly Graduated HR Professional
Jillian Miles Massey
September 28, 2023







HR Florida Conference & Expo
How to Think and Act Like a Scientist-Practitioner:
Applying Research and Experimentation to HR
Mary Ila Ward
August 27-30, 2023



The HR Florida Conference & Expo is presented annually by the HR Florida State Council, a state affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).  This is one of the largest HR conferences in the southeastern United States attracting over 1,500 human resources professionals and vendors from throughout the state and across the globe.

Representing virtually every industry and size of business, this is the place to be for professionals to network, grow, and learn about the human resources industry. You also have the opportunity to earn maximum credits for both the HR Certification Institute and SHRM Competencies Certifications.



AACE Summer Conference
How to Live on Purpose as a Career Agent
Jillian Miles Massey & Taylor Simmons
July 25-27, 2023



We are excited to gather together this summer as peers from institutions of higher education and industry across the State of Alabama as we connect, develop, and empower one another for the betterment of our state’s workforce. Join us as we reflect on our past in Alabama’s capital city to strengthen our resolve for working together to build a better tomorrow for our state.


NCDA 2023 Conference
Best Practices for Facilitating Career Development with Diverse Populations and Inclusive Pathways
Taylor Simmons & Jillian Miles Massey
 June 27-July 1, 2023




Description: The DEI Symposium is curated information on the latest trends and issues facing Career Service Professionals around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility (DEIBA). At the event there will be a DEI Panel providing a State of the Union regarding DEIBA along with small group discussions to network and learn best practices from professionals on the front line of this most important work.


 ALSHRM 2023
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Lorrie Coffey
 May 15-17, 2023





Description: Our great line-up of Human Resources speakers & sessions, #ALSHRM23 will be an event that you won’t want to miss! Join us May 15-17th, 2023 in Orange Beach to learn from the top HR experts and develop the strategies you need to succeed.

Individual Registration

Team Registration

Department Registration


Leading with EQ ALSHRM 2023.pptx

 Workforce Development Conference
Impacting the Labor Participation
 Mary Ila Ward
 May 8-10, 2023







Description: Workforce development professionals from across the nation are invited to join us to unmask your potential through professional development, sharing best practices, developing new partnerships, and learning about potential solutions to issues in your area. Enhance your skills to be the best resource in helping your customers in unmasking their potential.

Register to attend in New Orleans

Register to attend virtually

What’s Relationshipping, and How Do I Do It?
 Jillian Miles Massey


Description: Networking establishes connection. Relationshipping builds bridges and two-way streets with sidewalks and wildflowers! When we relationship (yes, we’re using it as a verb), we have a sense of belonging. Belonging feeds engagement, creativity, and passion, which generate business success and real community impact. Come relationship with us!


Slide Deck
Article: Cornerstone CoWorking on Relationshipping
Article: Stop Networking, Start Relationshipping
Reclaiming Conversation by Sherry Turkle
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown

 AAMA-Southern Automotive Quality Summit
 Panel on Workforce Skills & Challenges for Shift to EVs
 Mary Ila Ward
 April 24-25, 2023



Description: Now in its sixth year, the Southern Automotive Quality Summit is a unique collaboration between the Alabama Automotive Manufacturers Association and the Automotive Industry Action Group.


 Athens State SHRM
 HR Leadership
 Jillian Miles Massey
 April 18, 2023





 Graceful Accountability:
Inspiring results by putting people first

 Jillian Miles Massey
 April 13, 2023







Graceful Accountability slides
HPC Psychological Safety Handout
 “3 Ways to Lead with Grace” Blog Post

 NASHRM-Spring Half Day Workshop
 What’s Behind Door #2?
 Pulling Back the Curtain on  Recruiting
 Mary Ila Ward
 March 21, 2023






Wages Podcast
Living Wage Calculator
Cost of Turnover Dummy Data Example
Realistic Job Previews
Wanted: Shorter time-to-hire
Labor Force Shrinking

Leadership Greater Huntsville Management Academy
Instagram vs. Reality: Motivation
Jillian Miles Massey
February 14, 2023





Instagram vs Reality Motivation LGH MA

HPC Motivators Checklist
HPC Leaders as Career Agents Form

2023 EDAA Winter Conference
Montgomery, AL
January 30-February 1, 2023



Alabama HR Innovation Day — Auburn, AL
“Who’s on First? Solving the Talent Development Puzzle”
Jillian Miles Massey
January 25, 2023






Description: Live professional development focused on HR innovative insights and best practice sharing. Grow your knowledge, your network, and discover your workplace’s next innovative HR solution.


Leadership Greater Huntsville Management Academy
How to Illuminate Your Employees
Mary Ila Ward
January 10, 2023






7 Ways to Complete the Stress Cycle

HBR Autonomy Article
Accomplishment Lists Worksheet


Alabama Workforce Council Public Private Partnership (PPP) Committee Meeting

When:  November 16, 2022




Organizational Effectiveness: How to Meet Survival Needs to Create a Thriving Workplace (3 Part Series)
Lorrie Coffey & Jillian Miles Massey
October 24 & 25, 2022





Graceful Accountability
Jillian Miles Massey
68th Annual Human Resources Management Conference
October 27, 2022, at 11 am





Description: Hosted by The University of Alabama, the Human Resources Management Conference is designed to develop the full range of skills and knowledge vital to the success of the contemporary human resource professional. Presented by experienced human resource and employment law experts from around the state and across the country, this conference is consistently referred to as a must-attend event!


2022 BBJ Women’s Summit

Date: September 23, 2022

Time: 8:00 am-2:00 pm



Description: Join the BBJ for a high-energy day filled with renowned keynote speakers, networking, exhibitors, and conversations that will leave attendees with the tools they need to be successful in their personal and professional lives.


Feed Your Future: Feedback & Feedforward
Tennessee SHRM Conference
September 13-15, 2022


Building a Psychologically Safe Workplace
Shoals SHRM Chapter Meeting
Florence, AL
September 8, 2022


Description: What makes a team successful? Why can one team build lasting competitive advantage for an organization while another just creates dysfunction? Research tells us that the number one thing that separates successful from unsuccessful teams is the presence of psychological safety. It isn’t about how smart we are or about how teams are organized or structured, it’s about how we treat one another. Psychological safety is a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. In psychologically safe teams, team members feel accepted and respected.

hrflorida ad

How to Actually DO Succession Planning
HR Florida Conference
Orlando, FL
August 28-31, 2022


Description: Succession planning is imperative for any organization to set strategic plans and effectively prosper and grow. Yet it is often seen as a nebulous concept which creates challenges in execution. This session will walk through a three-step process to create and implement succession plans for any size company- from the HR department of one to the global enterprise organization. A real life case study will be used to illustrate the application of this process.

Huntsville’s Top Talent: Benefits That Work
Jillian Miles Massey
Huntsville/Madison County Chamber
August 11, 2022


Description: Hear from industry experts as they discuss recruitment and retention through the lens of benefits. Presenters from Horizon Point Consulting, J. Smith Lanier, and Keel Point will discuss current trends and best practices related to benefits that align to employee’s wants and needs.

Alabama Association of Colleges & Employers
Annual Conference
Jillian Miles Massey & Taylor Simmons
July 26-28, 2022


Description: Horizon Point will be speaking about the work we do in the state of Alabama, and Jillian will be serving on a special panel.

EDAA Annual Conference
Jillian Miles Massey
July 24-27, 2022


Description: Horizon Point Consulting will be exhibiting. Come see us!

North Central Alabama Wage and Benefit Survey Highlights
Jillian Miles Massey
North Alabama SHRM
July 12, 2022



Description: Join us for the July NASHRM Meeting and hear a brief overview of the 2022 Wage and Benefit Survey Results

HR Toolbox: Building a Psychologically Safe Workplace
Jillian Miles Massey
The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship
June 21, 2022




What makes a team successful? Why can one team build a lasting competitive advantage for an organization while another just creates dysfunction Research tells us that the number one thing that separates successful from unsuccessful teams is the presence of psychological safety. It isn’t about how smart we are or about how teams are organized or structured, it’s about how we treat one another. Psychological safety is a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. In psychologically safe teams, team members feel accepted and respected.

This workshop will prepare you to:

• Understand what psychological safety is and why it is important
• Assess the level of psychological safety in their workplace/team
• Engage in activities and practice to increase psychological safety
• Deploy and practice ways to address team conflict and increase diversity and inclusion teams and workplaces


HR Toolbox: Skill vs. Will
Jillian Miles Massey
The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship
May 17, 2022


Description: So many things can go wrong when we mismatch our leadership to a person’s skill and will. In order to avoid these mistakes, the first thing to do is to correctly diagnose a person’s skill and will level based on the task or job at hand. So what is Skill and what is Will? Join us to learn more!


Build Emotional Intelligence Through Feedback and Feedforward – Mary Ila Ward&& Graceful Accountability – Jillian Miles Massey
May 5, 2022


Description: NAVIGATE Nonprofit Network Conference is an annual event that encourages nonprofit board members, staff, and volunteers to learn from and strengthen each other. This affordable, high-quality professional development across a wide range of topics connects nonprofit leaders with the strategies that will help them navigate challenges and help their organizations thrive.


Alabama SHRM Conference & Expo
How to Actually DO Succession Planning
May 3, 2022
Mary Ila Ward

Description: Succession planning is imperative for any organization to set strategic plans and effectively prosper and grow. Yet it is often seen as a nebulous concept which creates challenges in execution. This session will walk through a three-step process to create and implement succession plans for any size company- from the HR department of one to the global enterprise organization. A real life case study will be used to illustrate the application of this process.


How to Actually Do Succession Planning Slides
3 Steps to Actually DO Succession Planning
WSJ Great Resignation 
Baby Boomers Retiring


HR Toolbox Series:
Onboarding & Orientation
April 19, 2022
The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship (

Description: For new hires, orientation is a one-time event welcoming them to your company. Onboarding is a series of events (including orientation) that helps them understand how to be successful in their day-to-day job and how their work contributes to the overall business.

Led by Jillian Miles with Horizon Point Consulting, join us to learn valuable employee management skills that you can apply to your business!

Building Inclusive Teams
February 9, 2022
Birmingham SHRM (

Event Description: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are at the forefront of our role as HR Leaders. At the forefront of strong DE&I initiatives are inclusive teams. Using research and best practices, this session will help participants understand what leads to inclusive teams then tactically implement one intervention, Encounter Groups, in order to build inclusive workplaces. The session will walk through the implementation of an actual example of this intervention which was designed to break down polarization in the workplace.


AAMA Workforce Executive Roundtable
Date: January 12, 2022
Location: Birmingham, AL


Event Description: There are evident challenges in recruiting and retaining a strong workforce, especially in advanced manufacturing and the automotive industry. Why is this so and what can we do about it? In this seminar we will explore:
  • Statewide and regional workforce and economic trends impacting the automotive industry
  • Comparison of trends in the automotive industry to other industries and what we can learn from others
  • What really is a “good” job today and tomorrow? What employees really want and how employers can meet those needs and remain competitive and profitable
  • Innovative approaches to go upstream for building a workforce and workplace of the future including ownership, partnerships, and overcoming barriers to employment through sponsorship



Multi-Session Workshop 
Date: October 24-27, 2021
Location: AARC Training Conference
Speaker: Mary Ila Ward

Event Description: The 2021 Annual AARC Training Conference is for members of the Alabama Association of Regional Councils. Mary Ila’s multi-session workshop will cover:
  • Organizational Marketing & Branding
  • Employee Benefits Beyond Salaries and Cost of Living
  • Bridging the Staff Divide Through Mentorship



Bridging the Staff Divide Slides





Workforce Challenges and Solutions in the Automotive Industry
Date: October 14, 2021
Location: Southern Automotive Conference
Time: 2:30 PM CDT
Speaker: Mary Ila Ward

Event Description: There are evident challenges in recruiting and retaining a strong workforce, especially in advanced manufacturing and the automotive industry. Why is this so and what can we do about it? In this seminar we will explore:
  • Statewide and regional workforce and economic trends impacting the automotive industry
  • Comparison of trends in the automotive industry to other industries and what we can learn from others
  • What really is a “good” job today and tomorrow? What employees really want and how employers can meet those needs and remain competitive and profitable
  • Innovative approaches to go upstream for building a workforce and workplace of the future including ownership, partnerships, and overcoming barriers to employment through sponsorship



Networking and Presentation Skills
Date: October 12, 2021
Location: SBDC Webinar
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30PM CDT
Speaker: Taylor Simmons


Event Description: Networking and Presentation Skills are critical for business professionals. Networking is important to building strong professional relationships. Great presentation skills are also important for success in any role. This training is designed to help leaders and managers become more effective in both their networking and presentation skills. Following the completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Assess their communication skills (an important factor in networking and presentations).
  • Understand the key skills for networking success, such as being a good listener, building trust, and being sincere.
  • Identify the qualities needed to create and deliver a clear and effective presentation.
  • Create an action plan for improving networking and presentation skills.

The course follows an interactive format that caters to various learning styles.






3 Steps to Actually DO Succession Planning 
Date: Monday, August 31st
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM ET
Location: Miami
Speaker: Mary Ila Ward


Event Description: Succession planning is imperative for any organization to set strategic plans and effectively prosper and grow. Yet it is often seen as a nebulous concept which creates challenges in execution. This session will walk through a three-step process to create and implement succession plans for any size company- from the HR department of one to the global enterprise organization. A real-life case study will be used to illustrate the application of this process.





3 Methods for Building Inclusive Teams
Date: Monday, August 30th
Time: 11:30 AM -12:30 PM ET
Location: Tallahassee
Speaker: Mary Ila Ward


Event Description: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are at the forefront of our role as HR Leaders. At the forefront of strong DE&I initiatives are inclusive teams. Using research and best practices, this session will help participants understand what leads to inclusive teams then tactically implement one intervention, Encounter Groups, in order to build inclusive workplaces. The session will walk through the implementation of an actual example of this intervention which was designed to break down polarization in the workplace.

Download Building Inclusive Teams Slides



Business Writing Workshop
Date: August 19, 2021
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm CT

Event Description: Written communication is critical to any business. From crafting and sending emails, designing marketing materials, submitting proposals, and creating business reports, organizations produce written communication every day. When written communication is done well, it can lead to better insights into your organization, increased business opportunities, and increased employee morale. This course will cover the importance of written communication in business, understanding your audience, types of written business communication, and how to improve your business writing.


AACE Summer Conference
Tails and Tales of Remote Learning and Engagement
Date: July 27, 2021
Time: 1:00-1:45pm CT

Event Description: Learning and engagement in our workplaces and academic settings looks different now, whether it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid. We’ve had time to adapt and incorporate new learning and engagement practices that reflect current needs and norms. Join us to hear tips on virtual learning, share resources for virtual or blended environments, and engage with your community about best practices. .