What’s Up? Events and Webinars

UPCOMING EVENTS Marshall County SHRM Spring Workshop Horizon Point Consulting April 17, 2024 Resources One Workforce & Change Management Slides 4 Ways to Help Change Happen When Change is Hard 3 Steps for Leading Through Pressure and Change Change Management: Celebrating the Small Victories Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Switch Framework Who Are You Bringing Up (Or Down) With You Slides How to Be (Im)Perfect Worksheets How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur Dare to Lead by Brene Brown PREVIOUS WEBINARS AND EVENTS NASHRM Spring Workshop Handling Toxicity in the Workplace Lorrie Coffey April 9, 2024      

Defeating the Kobayashi Maru, the No-Win Situation

My 13-year-old came to me last week and said “Mom, we are living through history. In five to ten years, kids will learn about this pandemic in history class and I’ll be able to say ‘yeah, I was there’!” And he’s right.  Students will hear about how our world came together to fight COVID-19. They will be amazed by the fact that we quarantined, that so many businesses had to close their doors, but hopefully, they’ll be inspired by the way we innovated to overcome this pandemic and support those in the front lines.  I don’t know that we ever

4 Keys to Leading through Crisis

We are experiencing unprecedented times given the ever-evolving issues with COVID-19.  It is scary and unnerving for everyone, especially those leading during this time of crisis.   I’ve been watching a few leaders in action over these last few days.  Their actions have provided some insights into the courage, energy, and attitude that is required to inspire and influence others when things are uncertain, novel, and anxiety-ridden.  Here is what I’ve learned leaders need to do during all situations of leadership, but most especially when leading through a crisis:  1. Lead by Example:  First, leaders do what they say they will

What Does Your Resume Say About You?

As I was proofreading my son’s book report last night, I thought about how written communication is a window into our personality. My son had a few misspelled words and a word or two that was missing a letter altogether. It wasn’t the neatest either. He’s 13 and always does things in a hurry, just like his dad. This is evident in his book report and most areas of his life, including his messy room. On that note, I thought about resumes and how they also provide a glimpse into who we are. I facilitate an online career development class

6 Ways to Help Create Caring Instead of Callous Leaders

I have the opportunity to coach a lot of middle managers. Quite often they are middle-aged men, and I’m working with them because there is some issue with how they lead (or actually don’t lead) others.    Through some type of feedback mechanism, these men are described mildly as “aloof” or “disinterested” (always related to how they are with people, not necessarily the tasks or functions of their job) to more extreme words like “jerk” or “a**hole”.  I’m brought in most of the time to try to fix their “personality”. Making them more caring and a better leader of people is