What is Your Organization’s Employee Value Proposition?

Last week I joined Mary Ila at the AARC Annual Conference and had the opportunity to speak to leaders about recruiting and retaining talent in today’s workforce. Recruiting has changed drastically over the last few decades, from candidates having to convince an organization why they’re the best person for the job, to organizations having to convince candidates why they’re the best company to work for. Candidates today aren’t just interested in the money, but are looking at the employer’s overall Employee Value Proposition (EVP) or what the company can offer them that makes them an employer of choice.  An EVP

3 Tips for Leading in the New Normal

I’m speaking today at AARC’s Annual Conference.  We’ve had the privilege of speaking at this annual conference for the last several years. We love all of the Regional Council on Governments and Planning Commissions that partner with us across the state.  As I speak on “Leading in the New Normal,” I’m reminded of all that has shaped this “new normal”.   Shifts in the economy and technology, the pandemic, generational differences.  Even Surgeon General’s warnings.  But as I begin to unpack these influences imparting a new workplace paradigm, has leadership gotten easier or has it gotten harder?  Most would say

The Surgeon General’s Warning and Professional Development

As I take in my daily dose of news fed to me via email by the New York Times on Saturday, August 31, I’m surprised to see the title: Opinion: Surgeon General: Parents Are at Their Wits’ End. We Can Do Better.   Saturday’s Times email blast usually features a more lighthearted piece, especially on a holiday weekend.  But as I opened the article, I couldn’t help thinking, “No sh*t!” to what the Surgeon General was saying. You see, I have literally just cleaned up sh*t (Or wait, was it vomit?) off the floor of our bathroom as child number two

Investing in People Makes Cents

person putting coin in a piggy bank

Last week, Emily kicked off our new series on professional development. What it is and why we should care about it. I’m pulling that thread to talk about the dollars and cents of why you should invest in people and why you should do it NOW. I just read a powerful article from McKinsey titled Increasing your return on talent: The moves and metrics that matter that hit me square in the face with this quote: “McKinsey research indicates that companies that put talent at the center of their business strategy realize higher total shareholder returns than their competitors.” One

What To Know About Shopping For an HRM

What To Know About Shopping For an HRM Over the past few years Horizon Point has helped multiple clients vet and implement a Human Resources Management System. Each client had very different wants and needs, and each implementation was unique. So what do companies need to know about vetting an HRM? 1)      Understand what an HRM can offer your organization. Not every HRM system is created equally. Some systems are all-or-nothing, meaning that you cannot customize the functions you want or need, you pay for full functionality whether you use it all or not. Many vendors offer systems