Benefits of Remote Work for Employees

Ahh, remote work! Work as we know it will never be the same. At Horizon Point, remote work has always been part of our daily grind, so we definitely know the benefits.  Check out these Key Remote Work Statistics (as they relate to employees) from Small Biz Genius. 40% of people feel the greatest benefit of remote work is the flexible schedule. 76% of workers would be more willing to stay with their current employer if they could work flexible hours. People who work remotely at least once a month are 24% more likely to be happy and productive.  

What does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your Job Search?

Over the Christmas break, my family and I watched Soul, a Disney Pixar film. It was an interesting little movie. But what does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your job search?  “Pixar’s “Soul” is about a jazz pianist who has a near-death experience and gets stuck in the afterlife, contemplating his choices and regretting the existence that he mostly took for granted.”  – (Check out the full review here: Soul Movie Review) In the movie, the main character, Joe, helps Number 22 find her spark! Other career buzz words like passion and flow were found throughout the show. 

Turn Your Passion into Your Career

Forgive me if I get teary-eyed, but my oldest just started his junior year of high school. And while he still has two years left, the serious conversations have begun- careers, colleges, and scholarships, oh my! Since he was little, he’s always known that his biggest passion is music. And I’ve encouraged him to explore that over the years, he’s got such a knack for it. He’s self-taught on drums, guitar, bass guitar, and he has an amazing voice (my house is rarely quiet!). Last year his high school partnered with a local music conservatory to start a music production

6 Ways to Help Create Caring Instead of Callous Leaders

I have the opportunity to coach a lot of middle managers. Quite often they are middle-aged men, and I’m working with them because there is some issue with how they lead (or actually don’t lead) others.    Through some type of feedback mechanism, these men are described mildly as “aloof” or “disinterested” (always related to how they are with people, not necessarily the tasks or functions of their job) to more extreme words like “jerk” or “a**hole”.  I’m brought in most of the time to try to fix their “personality”. Making them more caring and a better leader of people is

The Confusion Over Cannabis

Written by: Lorrie Coffey, Horizon Point Consulting Ten states plus DC have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Thirty-four states have legalized it for medical use. And CBD oil is readily available in most states.  But marijuana is still classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a Schedule 1 drug, which means it is still illegal to grow, buy or sell, possess, or use under federal law.  Oh, and while CBD shops popped up on every street corner as soon as the Farm Bill was signed back in late 2018, the Farm Bill did not legalize the general production, sale, or