4 Lessons in Personality from Hamilton

Because we like to give experiences instead of stuff at our house, our daughter’s Christmas present was a trip to see Hamilton.  She loves the music and was so excited about her first big girl trip to the theater.  The first time I saw Hamilton was on Broadway, a week before the whole world shut down because of the pandemic.  I was not familiar with the storyline or the music then, so I was in overdrive trying to process all that I saw and heard.  I’m still in overdrive trying to process all I’ve seen and heard since then and

Our 2023 Theme: An Abundance of Space

“I’m learning that I deserve to take up space,” said one team member at our yearly planning meeting.  “There’s an abundance of it,” said another in keeping with something each of us found ourselves recognizing- the contrast between abundance and scarcity mindset– in 2022.  “I find that when I give permission to take up space, I’m better at making space and giving space to others,” said yet another member of the team.  And later when a meeting notice went out to the whole team at a time that wasn’t the best for one team member, our discussion had given her

4 Things my Goals Taught me in 2022 about how to be Brave in 2023

“I never tied discipline to courage. I never saw the correlation. I guess I should have, since I lack in both. But in all matters- physical, mental, and spiritual- I believe that to live a disciplined life leads to a brave life. We long to be brave in the big moments, in the clutch times, in the times when our backs are up against a wall. But to get there? It’s the everyday. It’s the practice. It’s the steps. It’s the discipline.  Annie Downs- Let’s All Be Brave I set goals every year.  Do you? You can call them New

2022 Book of the Year

“Gratitude became my door to grace.”  Alexsys Thompson The Power of a Graceful Leader This year at Horizon Point, we launched a training curriculum called Illuminate, seeking to further our mission to innovate the workplace through people practices and bring light to all that we do.   The training idea came about from our work seeking to help organizations adapt in a rapidly changing workplace environment and from our personal experiences of trying to do the same.  What seemed to resonate the most in all the concepts taught was the practice of gratitude. Each participant was given personalized thank you notes

Does Scarcity or Abundance Rule You?

Of course, it’s Thanksgiving week, so who can neglect to write a post related to thankfulness and gratitude?  At Horizon Point, our thoughts on this stem from a focus we’ve seen emerging this year tied to an abundance instead of a scarcity mindset.  As we’ve met with people throughout the year and also examined our own behaviors, clear patterns emerge. You can almost immediately see whether a person, an organization, or a community is coming from a mindset of scarcity or abundance.  Scarcity displays a mindset that in order for me to win, someone else has to lose.  Abundance is