Investing in People Makes Cents

person putting coin in a piggy bank

Last week, Emily kicked off our new series on professional development. What it is and why we should care about it. I’m pulling that thread to talk about the dollars and cents of why you should invest in people and why you should do it NOW. I just read a powerful article from McKinsey titled Increasing your return on talent: The moves and metrics that matter that hit me square in the face with this quote: “McKinsey research indicates that companies that put talent at the center of their business strategy realize higher total shareholder returns than their competitors.” One

Who cares about Professional Development? Horizon Point does!

This week kicks off a brand-new series here at The Point Blog. The Fall brings a new school year and with that, all things Professional Development. Some would consider this topic a snooze fest, but if it is tailored to an individual’s needs and desires for career growth, it can be one of the most exciting things that you get to do! Mary Ila supports our interests by meeting with us for monthly one on ones and asks us what we would like to be doing and the best way that the company can support our future goals. We also

AI for Talent Development: Good, Scary, or Both? 

cheerful ethnic woman against vivid red painted wall

AI is everywhere. Have you recently googled something and used the AI generated answer without ever clicking a link from the list? It’s one of my new favorite efficiencies…and it freaks me out a little. In the “if something scares you, it probably means you should do it” kind of way. We’ve been talking about AI for HR over the last few weeks in the context of our work and industries we support, and today I’m wrapping it up with my take on AI for talent development as a whole. It freaks me out a little, so it’s probably a

Be Creative Anyway: How ATD24 Made Me Feel Better About AI

generated by AI, this image is an imagination of AI in the future workplace and is designed specifically to represent learning from the ATD24 conference

Attending the ATD24 International Conference made me feel so energized and prepared for another year around the sun in talent development. The obvious buzzword: Artificial Intelligence (AI). I walked away with pages and pages of notes on AI in training and development. Mary Ila kicked off our series on AI last week, so now I’m sharing a rundown (written in part using ChatGPT) of my key AI takeaways from ATD24. Generative AI: The Game-Changer in Scenario-Based Learning One of the sessions that really stood out to me was “Use Generative AI to Create Scenario-Based Learning” by Kevin Alster and Elly