4 Ways to Get Unstuck with Professional Development

a word idea written on a yellow post stuck on a white surface

We all experience moments of feeling stuck. Maybe it’s a lack of clarity on next steps, difficulty overcoming a challenge, or simply feeling uninspired; whatever the reason, it can be hard to push through and continue growing. However, professional development doesn’t have to feel like a solo struggle. There are tools and methods available to help get you unstuck and moving forward. Below are four resources we use at HPC to help teams and individuals break through barriers and develop professionally. 1. One-on-Ones The power of one-on-one meetings cannot be overstated when it comes to personal and professional development. At

The Surgeon General’s Warning and Professional Development

As I take in my daily dose of news fed to me via email by the New York Times on Saturday, August 31, I’m surprised to see the title: Opinion: Surgeon General: Parents Are at Their Wits’ End. We Can Do Better.   Saturday’s Times email blast usually features a more lighthearted piece, especially on a holiday weekend.  But as I opened the article, I couldn’t help thinking, “No sh*t!” to what the Surgeon General was saying. You see, I have literally just cleaned up sh*t (Or wait, was it vomit?) off the floor of our bathroom as child number two

Make the Most of your Training Dollars

I often talk to smaller employers who just don’t have the funds to allocate to professional development. They want to grow their people, but just can’t scrape the pennies together to pay for it. The good news is that professional development doesn’t have to be expensive, in fact it can be free. And we all like free!  Last week Jillian talked about why employers should invest in professional development for their people. As she mentioned, research shows that spending money on professional development for your employees leads to more money for your company. But what can you do if your

Investing in People Makes Cents

person putting coin in a piggy bank

Last week, Emily kicked off our new series on professional development. What it is and why we should care about it. I’m pulling that thread to talk about the dollars and cents of why you should invest in people and why you should do it NOW. I just read a powerful article from McKinsey titled Increasing your return on talent: The moves and metrics that matter that hit me square in the face with this quote: “McKinsey research indicates that companies that put talent at the center of their business strategy realize higher total shareholder returns than their competitors.” One

Who cares about Professional Development? Horizon Point does!

This week kicks off a brand-new series here at The Point Blog. The Fall brings a new school year and with that, all things Professional Development. Some would consider this topic a snooze fest, but if it is tailored to an individual’s needs and desires for career growth, it can be one of the most exciting things that you get to do! Mary Ila supports our interests by meeting with us for monthly one on ones and asks us what we would like to be doing and the best way that the company can support our future goals. We also