2 Key Places Where You Need a Rule Breaker

I was a hardcore rule follower as a child. I didn’t question rules in any form or the adults or organizational or societal factors that put them in place. I was on time, didn’t question when or how things were done in school, on the sports field, in my home, and in my community.  I did all the things I was “supposed” to do.  In fact, I don’t think I thought much about the why and reason behind much of anything, I just did as I was told.  For example, if a school supply list told me I needed 48

5 Reasons to Vote in the Alabama Primary May 24th

I met Katie Britt- Katie Boyd as we all knew her then- for the first time on a trip to visit The University of Alabama during my senior year of high school. Katie was serving in leadership roles with a couple of groups I was considering being a part of once I started at The University in the Fall, and she made me feel welcome. The two groups I was considering joining were groups that seemed to be worlds apart when it came to their purpose and approach on campus. One was intellectually based, the other social. Katie made me

How do you Navigate the Advancement Process?

I recently facilitated a workshop with a group of educators, some of whom are considering advancement in their field. We talked through several tips to help with navigating the process. Although I shared some information that was specific to their field, many of the tips are actually universal. Here are a few of my favorites: 1.Give your resume a glow up! Check out more ideas here: How do you make your resume stand out among thousands received by employers? 2. Consider these steps as you seek advancement: Seek out leadership roles prior to advancement Volunteer for presentations Attend any professional

Three Steps to Effective Business Writing

How many emails do you get each day? How many pieces of paper pass through your hands in a week?  Written communication is the #1 form of communication used in the workplace. Whether it’s communicating with supervisors, co-workers, clients, or vendors, we are constantly sending written communication back and forth.  The top issue I hear from clients is a lack of effective communication in their organizations. And usually, that includes inadequate written communication. Effective business writing can have a huge impact on an organization’s ability to grow. Look at any job description and you’re likely to find the requirement of

DWYSYWD- Lessons from the Elementary School Guidance Counselor

One of the first things we teach in our personal leadership course is the concept of DWYSYWD- Do What You Say You Will Do.   It involves committing to what you can do, or as Covey would put it, committing to your circle of influence and focusing on being accountable with what you can do instead of worrying about things that you cannot do something about.  For example, I cannot do anything about whether or not a stay at home order is extended or relaxed this week in my state, but I can wash my hands, not touch my face,