Top 10 List on Space & Abundance

My first thought of space and I think of stars and galaxies, but what does it mean as it relates to Leadership, Career, Productivity and Purpose? Space is defined as a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. It is also defined as the distance from other people or things that a person needs to remain comfortable. Some words used to describe space are boundless, vast and infinite. What does it mean to take up space or to hold space for others? Our 2023 theme is an abundance of space. Here are our top 10 quotes related

Our 2023 Theme: An Abundance of Space

“I’m learning that I deserve to take up space,” said one team member at our yearly planning meeting.  “There’s an abundance of it,” said another in keeping with something each of us found ourselves recognizing- the contrast between abundance and scarcity mindset– in 2022.  “I find that when I give permission to take up space, I’m better at making space and giving space to others,” said yet another member of the team.  And later when a meeting notice went out to the whole team at a time that wasn’t the best for one team member, our discussion had given her

It Doesn’t Matter How and Where Work Gets Done. The Death of Office Space, Office Hours and the Employee-Employer Relationship.

My brother started a new job in business development for an international company about six months ago. His boss lives in Toronto. He lives in Memphis, TN. In fact, he didn’t meet his boss until after he was hired. He works from home, or his car, or an airplane, or a hotel room, a Starbucks or really anywhere as long as he has a WIFI connection and a cell phone, it doesn’t matter where he is. We at Horizon Point just finished a project on wage analysis. Neither I nor our other full-time employee did any of the number crunching for it.

How To Toss Around Ideas

Today I saw a giant raccoon throw light bulbs to people at Space Camp. That’s a real sentence.  Sprocket, loveable mascot of the Rocket City Trash Pandas, threw Horizon Point stress balls – made to look like light bulbs – to attendees of the 2024 Launch Tank Competition. It was a wild and wonderful moment. But let’s back up.  John Kvach and his Singing River Trail team partner with LAUNCH and Innovate Alabama to host a business pitch competition for entrepreneurs in North Alabama, known as Launch Tank. “Our vision goes beyond the competition,” Kvach says. “We want to connect