Flu Space

Ahhh, the Holidays. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or is it? It can also be a pretty stressful time of the year with work, end of the year class celebrations, Church Christmas plays, basketball practice, moving the elf, wrapping gifts, extra cooking, Christmas parties, new family dynamics ad infinitum. With all the hustle and bustle, it never seems like there is quite enough time or space to pack it all in. Our 2023 Theme: An Abundance of Space feels out of reach some days depending on my perspective.   Enter the flu… God knows exactly what you need

Creating a Work Space that Brings People Together

Her name was Ima, Ima Fish. She was a Betta that I got when my son was four months old and I decided being a stay-at-home mom wasn’t for me. So, when my old boss called me and asked me if I wanted to come back part-time, I jumped at the chance. I bought Ima to put on my desk at the office. I had that little fish on that desk for five years! And everyone in the office knew Ima. If I was out of the office, I knew someone else was taking care of it, I didn’t even

Office Space- Does Design Really Matter?

In the second paragraph of Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmul, Ed describes the offices of Pixar like this:  It has well thought-out patterns of entry and egress that encourage people to mingle, meet, and communicate.  Outside, there is a soccer field, a volleyball court, a swimming pool, and a six-hundred seat amphitheater. Sometimes visitors misunderstand the place, thinking it’s fancy for fancy’s sake. What they miss is that the unifying idea for this building isn’t luxury but community. Steve (Jobs) wanted the building to support our work by enhancing our ability to collaborate. In a whole book dedicated to explaining

Space to Focus

    It has been a busy month. We call it Maycember, busy like December but without the gifts. Focusing during a busy month or busy season can be tricky. Not only is May a busy work month, wrapping up one big project to begin the next, it is also a busy season for me personally. My daughter’s high school graduation is tonight and focusing is something I’m struggling with right now. Juggling so much makes it difficult to focus. However, this isn’t my first rodeo with busy seasons. Working moms do this time and again. We are fortunate at

Make Space to be Mindful

When my oldest son was in elementary school, he started having some behavioral issues that I had never seen in him before. Like many young children he hadn’t yet learned how to manage his emotions and anger was his downfall. After some trial and error, what I found worked best for him was space. Together with his teacher we taught him that whenever he felt angry and out of control, to step out into the hallway away from everyone else and count until he calmed down and felt more in control of his emotions. It worked. His behavioral issues ceased