For Lucy

We have had the privilege of doing work and life with Lucy Orr as a company and a family over the last couple of years. She has helped us with so many things at Horizon Point and MatchFIT. She performs each task with excellence, professionalism, and a joyful spirit.  She brings this same sense of self when keeping our children. She brings sparks of joy and excitement into their lives.  We will be forever grateful for Lucy and for all she has done for us. In reflecting on all Lucy has taught us (and as I still try to selfishly

The Volunteer Venn

Q: How many volunteers does it take to plan and host a statewide HR conference?  A: Whatever number you’re thinking, add 10 more!    Volunteers are absolutely critical to the success of all organizations, not-for-profit or otherwise, but they are often overlooked and undervalued. Knowing this to be true, why do we volunteer?  I am absolutely certain that I owe much of my professional (and personal) success to volunteerism. I have been equally – if not more – challenged, encouraged, and developed in volunteer roles in comparison with paid roles. Some of my most significant growth moments were from volunteer

4 Ways to Cultivate Openness to Experience to Enhance Innovation and Leadership

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain I have recently returned from a nine-day trip to Turkey.  It’s been almost five years since I’ve traveled internationally, so I was excited that a trip that I thought would most likely not happen this year due to the COVID pandemic in fact did.   I was able to travel with my dad through Educational Opportunities,

The Proximity Principle – A Book Review

The right people + The right places = Opportunities. – The Proximity Principle The Proximity Principle by Ken Coleman is a great book for job seekers or anyone not content in their current role. The theme of the book is getting “in proximity” to what you want – career-wise. Coleman shares his own personal experience with finding his dream job. Coleman notes: Everyone wants to do work that matters. The Proximity Principle is a guidebook to get you there! Amazon Overview: Right now, 70 percent of Americans aren’t passionate about their work and are desperately longing for meaning and purpose.

3 Ways to Boost Intercultural Competence

Here’s what we know (and have known for a long, long time): a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce drives exponential business growth, organizational development, and continuous improvement. Intercultural competence can serve as both a critical performance management dimension for employees and a meaningful competitive advantage for the organization.  What we don’t always know is how to act on this understanding. In 2021, our team has locked in on the mantra, “Be impatient for action and patient for outcomes”. Here are 3 actions we’ve taken that you can take today to boost your intercultural competence:  Understand yourself and your organization first.