Growth Mindset in Career Development

We’ve been talking about having a Growth Mindset for the past few weeks. If you missed it, check out the series kickoff blog here: What is Growth Mindset?  This time of year, we often get the opportunity to work with high school students looking for guidance related to the next steps after graduation. Career development for students looks like career exploration and exposure. That should start way before the final two years of high school, but it is definitely a priority for most students (and their parents) as secondary education draws to a close. The number one recommendation I have

Inflation and Competitive Wages – What do these mean to You?

Are your company’s wages in line with the market? Inflation is often the topic of conversation in the news and in everyday conversation. I recently read an article about Social Security increases, the largest in more than a decade, is on the horizon; you can check the article out here: Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment Could be the Highest in 13 Years. What does that mean for individuals? It means you should know your worth, or rather, know what the going rate is for your role. I’m currently working on a wage compensation study and researched the Consumer Price Index to

Business Observations Of an Intern

After working as a high school intern for Horizon Point Consulting for two summers, I’ve picked up on some themes and practices that seem to make this company successful. In the name of full disclosure, I don’t have official confirmation that these are “company ideals.” These are simply my observations of their values that lead to overall success and respect from their clients and partners.  The biggest thing I have noticed is Mary Ila’s generosity. I have been so humbled to be a recipient of her love for over a year now, but the longer I have known her, the

For Lucy

We have had the privilege of doing work and life with Lucy Orr as a company and a family over the last couple of years. She has helped us with so many things at Horizon Point and MatchFIT. She performs each task with excellence, professionalism, and a joyful spirit.  She brings this same sense of self when keeping our children. She brings sparks of joy and excitement into their lives.  We will be forever grateful for Lucy and for all she has done for us. In reflecting on all Lucy has taught us (and as I still try to selfishly

Is It Time For A Workcation?

Research and personal experience tell us that American employees often underutilize or “save up” PTO, sometimes leading to disengagement and burnout. Could the workcation trend be an option for employees who don’t need time off but need a little inspiration and a change of scenery?  “Workcation” is the combination of work and vacation, where an employee works remotely from a destination other than home or an office for a short period of time. With the significant expansion of the remote/flexible workforce, are more people taking workcations? How do workcations impact organizations? These questions inspired a research project by Daniela Hodges,