4 Ways to Cultivate Openness to Experience to Enhance Innovation and Leadership

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain I have recently returned from a nine-day trip to Turkey.  It’s been almost five years since I’ve traveled internationally, so I was excited that a trip that I thought would most likely not happen this year due to the COVID pandemic in fact did.   I was able to travel with my dad through Educational Opportunities,

How to Create a Great Day in Your Neighborhood

You know me, I oblige my husband about once or twice a year and watch a movie with him.  He told me he’d gotten It’s a Great Day in the Neighborhood especially for me, knowing it would be “my kind of movie”. It was.   The movie is based on a 1998 Esquire cover story titled “Can You Say…. Hero?”.  In the movie, the journalist Tom Junod, fictionalized in the film as Lloyd Vogel, undergoes a transformation of world view through Mr. Rogers played by Tom Hanks.   Lloyd sets out to uncover Mr. Rogers as a fraud, and Mr. Rogers

Career Development as Performance Management

I recently had the opportunity to work with a young man whose employer was doing things right. He was engaged and eager to advance within the company. The employer reached out to HPC for guidance in talent development. They saw his drive to succeed and wanted to capitalize on that drive to develop his career within their company, and performance management was their go-to tool. We facilitated assessments, discussed results and goals & used our Leaders as Career Agents tool to develop an Individual Development Plan. With research showing us that approximately 70 percent of the workforce is currently disengaged,

4 Ways Leaders Can Keep Remote Work Pros from Becoming Cons

I may be the only person in America that actually considered getting office space instead of ditching it in 2020.  Having run a business for almost ten years totally remote, I was beginning to question whether that was the best option for me and the business. As a company, three of our core values- people first, passion, and productivity- are guided by this statement: “To help drive passion and productivity, we don’t care how or where work gets done, just that it gets done in a way that meets client needs. This coincides with our desire to put people first

Benefits of Remote Work for Employees

Ahh, remote work! Work as we know it will never be the same. At Horizon Point, remote work has always been part of our daily grind, so we definitely know the benefits.  Check out these Key Remote Work Statistics (as they relate to employees) from Small Biz Genius. 40% of people feel the greatest benefit of remote work is the flexible schedule. 76% of workers would be more willing to stay with their current employer if they could work flexible hours. People who work remotely at least once a month are 24% more likely to be happy and productive.