3 Tips for Eliminating the Stress of a Job Interview

I’m sitting in a Starbucks now, and it is obvious by the dialogue of the two people sitting across from me that one person is interviewing the other. The guy being interviewed is tapping his foot in sheer nervousness and is babbling through his responses, unable to answer the questions he is being asked effectively.  I want to get up and give him a hug and tell him to calm down. It will be okay. If he could just calm himself down, I think he’d be able to effectively focus and answer the questions. Have you ever found yourself in

The Best Books of 2015

We, at Horizon Point, love a good book or two. Here are our recommendations for you to consider for your 2016 reading list and/or ideas as gifts to give this holiday season: Mary Ila’s recommendations: For help shaping your New Year’s resolution: Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith. Goldsmith, one of the best executive coaches in the world, helps you understand that most of self-improvement isn’t necessarily about starting something, it is about stopping something. He gives a simple method for analyzing and measuring our daily behavior in order to see positive habits form which lead to results.We use this process in our leadership

What do teachers really want for Christmas?

It’s that time of year again. As you prepare to do your holiday shopping, don’t forget about the wonderful teachers in your life! With that being said, where do you begin? What do teachers really want for Christmas? My sister is a teacher and I recall her saying once that teachers like to receive gifts that can be used up not items that sit around (think candy or other food items, lotion or hand soap, or candles). In preparation for writing this blog, I surveyed a few of my teacher friends and got some great insight. Consider these 3 top

Count Your Problems and Be Thankful

An employee of yours is late for the third time this week; you know you are going to have to have a discussion with him. Your company has had a stellar year. Now you’re worried about what size check you are going to have stroke to Uncle Sam come April 15th. A customer calls mad because their name was spelled wrong on a letter you sent to them. You realized you sent a marketing piece to print containing incorrect numbers. To top it all, your computer crashed and, ouch, you don’t have your files backed up. Leaders deal with problems

Scholarship Search – Where do I begin?

Whether you are a freshman in high school or closing in on your junior year, scholarship searching should be at the top of your to-do list. Paying for college is expensive and scholarships are a great way to help soften the financial blow for students and parents. Here are a 7 few tips to help you get started: 1. Keep track of your high school activities. Well-rounded students are favored when scholarship boards are sifting through hundreds or thousands of applications. If you aren’t already, get involved! Join clubs in school, volunteer in your community and/or get a part-time job.