Nourish: A Bold New Direction for 2025

After a year of “Open the Door” as our 2024 theme, we decided this year as a team that maybe we needed to simplify- our theme and our focus.  As I discussed in my speech Taste and See, turning responsibility into obligation to open the door to anyone and anything brought about a state of too much in 2025.  Like they say, there can be too much of a good thing.  So in keeping with tasting and seeing what is good and letting that be the only obligation or responsibility to pursue, trusting that good things will flow naturally from


Last week, Horizon Point founder and president, Mary Ila Ward, was recognized with an ATHENA Leadership Award by the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber during their annual Women in Business Celebration. Her speech deeply resonated with so many women (and men) in attendance, so today we are sharing her words with all of you.—Thank you for this honor. I am humbled. Many of the women who have won this award are women I look up to and who have been instrumental in shaping a community I love through their servant leadership.  Thank you to the Chamber and its staff.  It is a

ANNOUNCEMENT: Launching two NEW Career Development Trainings!

Horizon Point has been working on two NEW Career Development Practitioner Training Offerings available Fall 2024. One will be a School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Training. The other, an Alabama Workforce Challenges & Solutions course. School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Training Horizon Point’s SCDA Training is designed for providers who work in many settings and help prepare students for meaningful work and managing their careers. These providers work with other staff to coordinate the design, implementation, and monitoring of school and community-based efforts to improve the chances of students entering the job market with skills, knowledge, and credentials to be

Open the Door. Literally.

It is 5:34 in the morning, and I am opening my front door to welcome a 17-year-old from Costa Rica.  She’s seen her parents and brother off at the airport to return home, but she is staying. She will be living with us for almost three months.   We first met her when she was a sweet seven-year-old who spoke better English than I will ever speak Spanish. Over the course of ten years, we’ve grown to love her family and the prison ministry work they do in Costa Rica. On our trip to Costa Rica last summer to visit, she

Special Post: Welcome to the Team, Emily!

This week’s post is a special one. Horizon Point is growing again! We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Emily Addison to our team, and Emily is excited to introduce herself to our community of partners, friends, and supporters. Without further ado, let’s meet Emily!  Hi, I’m Emily Addison, and I will be the new Operations Specialist for the Horizon Point Consulting team! I live in Florence, Alabama with my son, Wyatt. I have a degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Human Resource Management from Auburn University. War Eagle! I am truly grateful to be working with such a