Nourish: A Bold New Direction for 2025

After a year of “Open the Door” as our 2024 theme, we decided this year as a team that maybe we needed to simplify- our theme and our focus.  As I discussed in my speech Taste and See, turning responsibility into obligation to open the door to anyone and anything brought about a state of too much in 2025.  Like they say, there can be too much of a good thing.  So in keeping with tasting and seeing what is good and letting that be the only obligation or responsibility to pursue, trusting that good things will flow naturally from

The Point Blog’s Top 10 for 2024

2024 has been another year of highs and lows with plenty of opportunities to learn, grow and rest. We’ve had a great time keeping you informed on a wide variety of topics throughout the year. Every post we’ve written and shared, no matter the subject, we’ve strived to inform you on subjects that will help you professionally. Our team is happy to help keep you up to date with the latest information to better your career, your work environment, or your organization!  With all the hustle and bustle this Christmas Season, we hope that you will slow down and practice some


Last week, Horizon Point founder and president, Mary Ila Ward, was recognized with an ATHENA Leadership Award by the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber during their annual Women in Business Celebration. Her speech deeply resonated with so many women (and men) in attendance, so today we are sharing her words with all of you.—Thank you for this honor. I am humbled. Many of the women who have won this award are women I look up to and who have been instrumental in shaping a community I love through their servant leadership.  Thank you to the Chamber and its staff.  It is a

Open the Door to Gratitude

Early in my recovery, there was a lady who spoke these beautiful words of truth into my life, “A grateful heart never relapses.” I’ve found over the last 9 years since then that in any area of life where I am disturbed or there is disorder, I can ask myself, am I showing gratitude? At Horizon Point, we practice gratitude by making accomplishment lists. The act of simply acknowledging areas of growth brings a sense of gratitude. Have you cultivated the habit of gratitude in your personal life or workplace? If not, here is our list of top posts related

Sabbatical Season & Seasons of Life

I wrapped up my sabbatical last week. It was a nice change of pace for the busy season of life I’m in. I recall my sabbatical 3 years ago & realized it was a busy season too. Life is busy and messy and hard. So many people around me are struggling with something – health, grief, raising kids, aging parents. Taking a break from one of the most important parts of life (work) to focus on intentional rest was just what I needed. So, here is a recap of my sabbatical and this season of life, told through pictures: Celebrated