Top 10 List on Space & Abundance

My first thought of space and I think of stars and galaxies, but what does it mean as it relates to Leadership, Career, Productivity and Purpose? Space is defined as a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. It is also defined as the distance from other people or things that a person needs to remain comfortable. Some words used to describe space are boundless, vast and infinite. What does it mean to take up space or to hold space for others? Our 2023 theme is an abundance of space. Here are our top 10 quotes related

Love is an Action Word

Ever heard of the saying that “love is an action word?” If that’s true, then how do you “act” like you love someone? With it being Valentine’s Day, you may be thinking of candy, cards & flowers. Imagery of red roses or big pink, heart shaped boxes may be dancing in your mind. This might be the love that you would show a partner or someone that you care deeply about. Love goes beyond our feelings, it is an expression of gratitude for that person. How does it feel to have someone show up for you in this way? Do

Our 2023 Theme: An Abundance of Space

“I’m learning that I deserve to take up space,” said one team member at our yearly planning meeting.  “There’s an abundance of it,” said another in keeping with something each of us found ourselves recognizing- the contrast between abundance and scarcity mindset– in 2022.  “I find that when I give permission to take up space, I’m better at making space and giving space to others,” said yet another member of the team.  And later when a meeting notice went out to the whole team at a time that wasn’t the best for one team member, our discussion had given her

Who Will You Be in 2023?

The idea that “The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be” has been coming up as a theme in my life these past few months. First in the form of a children’s book by Joanna Gaines, given to my son Wyatt by his Honey. Then, when Mary Ila hired me, and gifted me with a wall hanging that says the phrase. I think the Universe, God, Spirit, may have been conspiring to write that on my heart. Well, jokes on me! It has worked. I often think of the ways my past can serve me in my future. How

Create Bigger Impact by Aligning Your Interests with Your Work

My first interaction with Horizon Point was in 2017 as a participant in Mary Ila’s Facilitating Career Development (FCD) Training. At the time, I was the Program Champion for the Department of Management at Auburn University’s Harbert College of Business, and my primary focus was professional and career development for undergraduate students. I completed the FCD course, became a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), and have since used the experience and knowledge to provide career development coaching and instruction for over 500 students and professionals.  After joining Horizon Point in 2019, I’ve seen