Negotiation Styles and Why They Matter

Later this month I’ll be speaking at HR Florida about Negotiation Skills. We are all negotiators, even if we don’t realize it. Think for a minute. What did you do when your alarm went off this morning? Did you immediately jump out of bed or did you negotiate with yourself to allow yourself just “five more minutes?” Did your kid talk you into letting them pack cookies in their school lunch instead of a granola bar? Or did you agree to allow Jim to take the lead on the new project at work because Ally has too much on her

What is Growth Mindset?

We are kicking off a new series on growth mindset this week! Do you believe intelligence and talents are fixed? If so, hopefully, we can change your mind with insights from our series on growth mindset.  Seeing opportunities instead of obstacles, in a nutshell, that’s what having a growth mindset means. Those with a growth mindset focus on development; they are always learning and growing.  Resource: shared these 8 strategies to shift to a growth mindset: Create A New Compelling Belief View Failure in A Different Light Skyrocket Your Self-Awareness Become A Curious Learner Challenges Are Your

3 Keys to Meeting Thrive Needs

“Certain ideological systems and work environments are broken. In this age, it’s up to change makers, risk-takers, and the faithful to repair or start fresh when our contexts aren’t bearing fruit for the common good.”  Michaela O’Donnell, PhD in Make Work Matter It’s the end of January 2022 as I write this and I’ve already had about half a dozen requests since the beginning of the year to speak on or facilitate sessions related to workplace retention. Whether you want to frame it as the great resignation, the labor participation rate, COVID still wreaking havoc, or nobody wanting to work

3 Ways to Meet Survival Needs in the Workplace

I will never forget reading Arianna Huffington’s account of her personal experience that forced her to focus on wellness and wellbeing, namely sleep.  In one of her books, Arianna talks about how she woke up on the floor after hitting her head on the way down. She had collapsed due to utter exhaustion.  Arianna went on to found Thrive Global and wrote another book, The Sleep Revolution. The mission at Thrive Global is to “end the burnout epidemic with sustainable, science-based solutions that unlock employee performance and enhance well-being.”  They are tackling wellbeing through employers, helping us see that these

For Lucy

We have had the privilege of doing work and life with Lucy Orr as a company and a family over the last couple of years. She has helped us with so many things at Horizon Point and MatchFIT. She performs each task with excellence, professionalism, and a joyful spirit.  She brings this same sense of self when keeping our children. She brings sparks of joy and excitement into their lives.  We will be forever grateful for Lucy and for all she has done for us. In reflecting on all Lucy has taught us (and as I still try to selfishly