Be Creative Anyway: How ATD24 Made Me Feel Better About AI

generated by AI, this image is an imagination of AI in the future workplace and is designed specifically to represent learning from the ATD24 conference

Attending the ATD24 International Conference made me feel so energized and prepared for another year around the sun in talent development. The obvious buzzword: Artificial Intelligence (AI). I walked away with pages and pages of notes on AI in training and development. Mary Ila kicked off our series on AI last week, so now I’m sharing a rundown (written in part using ChatGPT) of my key AI takeaways from ATD24. Generative AI: The Game-Changer in Scenario-Based Learning One of the sessions that really stood out to me was “Use Generative AI to Create Scenario-Based Learning” by Kevin Alster and Elly

AI and HR- A Series

How would your grandmother state your organizational values? Well, ChatGTP might give you some insights.  As I sat down with a client to help them form their values statements after the values mapping session I facilitated, we decided there were a few words that just weren’t right. They were close, but we needed a better word or two, so we stuck what we had into ChatGTP. After various takes on the language, including how your southern grandmother would say it-with of course, several “bless your hearts” thrown in from ChatGTP and some laughter from us- we landed on descriptors that