4 Tips to Set Mission Focused Goals

A few weeks ago, I discussed the need to set a personal mission and then question yourself when it comes to living out that mission.   The Power of 3 Worksheet can help you with this.  Another component to this worksheet and living out your mission is to set goals for yourself.

Here are some tips for setting goals:

  1. Set just three goals related to your mission.  Any less is not enough, get too many more and nothing is really a priority.
  2.  32- Square the power of your three goals by writing them goals down.    Research shows that those who write their goals down are 9 times more likely to achieve success.
  3. Are your goals SMART?  Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable Realistic and Time Bound?
  4. Are you goals outcome based or task based?  It’s important to have both.  I used to think that all a person needed in terms of a goal was an outcome.  For example, “Achieve $100,000 in sales in 2013”.   This adheres to the SMART goal principles (of course if this is achievable and realistic based on what you are trying to sell).  However, this alone, I’ve come to believe is not enough.  We need to create habits and behaviors within our goals that get us to the end results we want. Setting task-specific goals on how to get there will help tremendously For example,  “Make 10 sales calls each week” would be good task-based goal that is behavior based and creates a habit that can help reach the outcome goal of an annual sales figure to achieve.

What goals have you set for yourself this year?


Some other helpful posts on goal setting:


Diminishing Returns


Go Public with Your Goals – (note, I violated tip #1 here!)


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Mary Ila Ward