Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System?

Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System? As most of you know, I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer. I do my best to stay abreast of current trends in resume writing. I recently viewed a webinar regarding developing a resume for today’s market. One hot topic discussed was Applicant Tracking Systems. Did you know 90% of resumes are going through some type of online Applicant Tracking System? Will your resume make it through an ATS? Here are 3 Tips to Develop an Applicant Tracking System friendly resume:  Use Key Words (include a Summary or Skills Section) –

How Can Assessments Benefit You & Your Team?

I spoke with a young man recently who was in limbo regarding his career path. He had completed his bachelor’s degree and wasn’t sure where to go from there. He was in need of a little affirmation and direction. After our initial conversation, we started with an interest inventory. It confirmed the initial career path he had always considered. He had gotten a little side-tracked and just needed some assurance of his path and next steps. After we discussed the assessment results, I provided the next steps and contacts to set up appointments for his continuing education to pursue his

Interview Prep for Today’s Job Market

I’ve received several requests over the past few months in regard to preparing for an interview. Interviewing can be tricky. It varies from job to job and from employer to employer. Throw in a pandemic with virtual interviews and it gets even trickier! Just last week, I received a text from a wonderful client who was unsure of how well she did in a recent interview. She (jokingly) asked, “is there a class for interview anxiety?” If you don’t get anxious during an interview, please share your secret with the rest of us! On a side note, I’m sure she

A Book Review of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking is a must-read for introverts and extraverts alike. It explores the misconceptions of introverts and their many positive attributes. I have two children who are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to introversion and extraversion. This book resonated with me on so many levels. I also love that it has a Tips for Educators section at the end.  The back cover notes Quiet as The Book That Started The Quiet Revolution. It explains: At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are

3 Tips for Your Job Search During a Pandemic

Almost every event I’ve attended lately, I’ve had conversations with individuals or overheard discussions about furloughs, downsizing and layoffs. The job market is volatile, and more and more people are searching for new opportunities, and many of those people haven’t had to search for a job in a long time. My husband and I have had conversations about what we would do if one of us lost our job. It’s scary to think about. We agree that we would do whatever we needed to do to continue to support our family. Which leads me to my first tip: While searching