Would you hire someone based on their bumper sticker(s)?

If matching individual and company values drives job satisfaction and organizational results more than anything else, maybe one thing we need to add to our selection processes is a bumper sticker check.

Bear with me here. Before you interview a candidate.   Walk out to their car.   Do they fit?

http://www.losanjealous.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/decal-576×363.jpgFamily oriented. How do you feel about that?

Do you support family values as an organization or are you one of those who wants to ask in an interview (but I hope refrains from doing so for the reality of legal retaliation) do you have kids or plan on having kids?

If you want to ask this question, your organization may align more with this one:



Proud family man/woman?   What does this say about a candidate?

Or what about this one?:



Or this one:


Apple huh? We want to be them. You value innovation, I like you.


Or take the political bumper stickers:


Does it matter to your organization which side of the aisle they align with or how they express which side of the aisle they are on?


Or take this one:


Hard worker? Hum??


Or what about if you don’t see anything. Not a one. Is this good or is this bad?

Or, instead of a bumper sticker you see this:


Make it easy on yourself. Check their car/truck out before you interview. It could save us all a lot of time and effort.


Mary Ila Ward