The Most Popular Slide in All My Leadership Trainings

I often glance at what people take note of when they are a part of one of our training sessions.  Not the notes or handout questions we make them fill in, but the notes where they turn over to a blank handout page or pull out their own notebook and jot things down.  The notes people take because they want to make sure they remember something.

The times when people say, “Can you go back to that slide for a minute please?” And then they start furiously writing.

We also get feedback from all participants at the end of each session in order to see how the training will affect their behaviors at work going forward. What will they do differently we ask? What will they use?

After gathering this feedback and paying attention to what people take note of, I think this slide is the most meaningful slide in all of our trainings:

I think this slide is even more meaningful given our current situation with the COVID-19 crisis.   I’ll be covering this slide as well as others and the tools that go along with it in a webinar: Leading in Crisis hosted by our friends at the Huntsville Madison County Chamber tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6th from 9 am- 11 am.

Click here to register. Click here to download the handout for the webinar. It has tools that go along with this information.

I hope you can join us as we learn more about leading in crisis, especially through employing the bright spot philosophy and the accomplishment list.

What do you to help you lead in crisis?  What has been the best training takeaway you’ve experienced?



Mary Ila Ward