The Key to Motivating Others: Make Them Want to be Better by Buying them Bloomers

I ran into a professional contact at a local conference last month. She’s an attorney with experience in HR and has provided me with some legal advice related to a consulting project I had last year. I hadn’t seen her in about six months and we have probably interacted two or three times over the last couple of years.

We caught up, talking about family and work. Being 38 weeks pregnant at the time, she asked about our growing family. It is always a pleasure talking to her, and I left our conversation being thankful that there are professionals like her who are serious about their work and their family, not compromising either for the sake of the other. She was genuinely interested in what I had to say, and I left our conversation a little bit more fulfilled than when it began. But my thoughts about her and our conversation were just that- fleeting. Our conversation hadn’t crossed my mind again. Not until five days later.

Five days later, and three days post delivery- the baby decided to make an appearance a little early right after the conference- my assistant brought me the mail from the office. In it was a package from this contact (how did she even still have a record of my address?) for the baby with monogramed bloomers for her. She remembered the baby’s FULL name. Enclosed was a sweet and genuine note.

While I had thought about how nice it was to talk to her, she had been deliberate in expressing her care and thoughtfulness towards my family and me. She remembered my baby’s name, and if she were I, because I can’t remember my own name half the time, went and wrote it down with the intention ofacting on the knowledge. She then went and bought bloomers, got them monogramed, found my address, and mailed them. And she had to have done this in less than a day or so. She is a busy, successful attorney with a husband and young child herself.

So what, you may think? It’s just bloomers. But it is so much more than bloomers. It’s putting People First by expressing our ACTIONS, not just our thoughts, that others are important.

What matters even more is that her thoughtfulness made me want to be a better person. Her gesture made me think about ACTING in a way that expresses the same value to others whether I’ve seen them two or three times in the past two years or I see them everyday. She, again, demonstrated our company’s Give Back value. She ACTS and did it in a way that truly showed me she cared by her listening, personalization, timeliness, and ultimate action.

That’s how you motivate others.You motivate them through demonstrating the actions you want to see take place. Not because you are trying to manipulate them into action, but because you care. People are first. You demonstrate this and your results are multiplied because they, in turn, take on the People First mindset as their own, turning to more and more action.

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Mary Ila Ward