Is Your Training Program Legendary or Lackluster?

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin As I discussed in my recent post Five Elements of a Great Onboarding Experience, having a great new hire orientation can be critical to making a great first impression and getting a new hire successfully onboard with your organization. While many companies have worked hard to create that great first impression, they fall short on the long-term impression they give employees by failing to create a continuous training program. I’m currently working with a client to help them set goals for the coming year. In meeting with their leadership

Top Takeaways (so far) from #SHRM18

So far, #SHRM18 has proven to be an inspiration of ideas and people.  My top takeaways from the Windy City include: “Drama is emotional waste.”  @CyWakeman I love Cy Wakeman and her book, Reality Based Leadership.  In her presentation, Cy described how our brains are binary.  We toggle between the lower order brain, our ego, where drama exists and our higher order brain.  Our higher order brain allows us to focus on reality in order to respond in creative, innovative ways.   Cy’s message is that a leader’s main job is to toggle people up to the higher order brain by

7 Ways to Supercharge Your Employee Engagement

Written by guest blogger: Steve Graham In most businesses, an “Employee Engagement Survey” goes out once per year to determine how engaged employees are with their jobs. The survey seeks to determine whether a person finds their job rewarding, feels like they have a real stake and interest in the company and cares about the overall success of the company. And while these surveys are certainly a step in the right direction, they fail to create a holistic culture of engagement within a company. After all, if the subject of engagement is only broached once per year, it’s not going

Bridging the Divide… Education for the Future

A country divided is what we are all hearing.  I’m tired of hearing it, are you? But as I examine the problem, realizing I am, like we all are, a part of it, I think Steve Boese in his HR Technology Blog described the problem best as he summarized the meaning of a chart illustrating the growing income divide in our country: Their jobs, if they are employed, are worse than the ones they used to have. They have less job security than ever before. They are increasingly unprepared to do many of the ‘new’ kinds of jobs that might


Do you enjoy physics? Do you think medicine and dentistry are interesting? Are you an active listener who enjoys working with people? If any of these things describe you, then Diagnostic Medical Sonography may be the career field that would make you tick. What do you need to be a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer? Education:  Required: Associate’s Degree or Post-secondary Certificate If you are a high school student, make sure you are focused on taking sciences including physics and biology. Skills: Diagnostic Medical Sonographers know how to: Think critically Communicate with others Analyze test data or images to inform diagnosis or