Set Goals Then Forget About Them

Hopefully you’ve gotten your 2015 new years resolutions down on paper and have a way to track attainment towards them. Once you’ve done this, I’d encourage you to forget about the goal(s) for 2015 and instead focus on the process that leads to achieving the goals.  Why? Focusing on the long-term often leads to paralyses in the short term.  For example, if your goal is to lose 100 pounds, this could easily become overwhelming.  If you instead focus on a sub-objective towards that goal of limiting your calorie intake to say, 2000 a day and exercising for 30 minutes 5

4 Tips to Set Mission Focused Goals

A few weeks ago, I discussed the need to set a personal mission and then question yourself when it comes to living out that mission.   The Power of 3 Worksheet can help you with this.  Another component to this worksheet and living out your mission is to set goals for yourself. Here are some tips for setting goals: Set just three goals related to your mission.  Any less is not enough, get too many more and nothing is really a priority.  32- Square the power of your three goals by writing them goals down.    Research shows that those who write their

What’s on Your Career Bucket List?

The end of the school year brings final exams, award ceremonies, parties, and best of all, summer. My boys have been counting down the days. And with their countdown comes the usual question I face every year. “What are we doing this summer?” I always try to do fun things with them throughout the summer that they will each enjoy. But with three boys ranging from 9 to 15, that’s not always easy. Their interests don’t always match up. What my nine-year-old finds thrilling, my fifteen-year-old finds more boring than watching paint dry. So this year, I’m putting the decision

4 Ways to State Your Intentions in Order to Drive the Best Outcomes

I’m preparing to take my kids into Target, Lord help me. I just need to get some necessities.  I park the car, turn and look them in the eye and tell them, “We are not going to the toy section.  We are here to get milk, a card for someone, and some toilet paper. You will both walk beside me and the cart.  You will not run, and you will not ask if you can go look at toys, okay?” I get “yes ma’am”.  And then ask them to repeat back to me what I just said and what they

Proactively Impacting Retention Through Stay Interviews

How often as leaders do you wish you could convince an employee to stay after they’ve turned in their resignation? What if you could change their mind before they reached the point of no return? Organizations often sit down with employees after they’ve tendered their resignation to find out why they decided to leave. But how often do leaders sit down with employees to find out what can be done to ensure that they stay with the organization? Exit interviews usually consist of questions surrounding the reason for leaving including dissatisfaction with leadership, the organization, and benefits offered. But by