Inflation and Competitive Wages – What do these mean to You?

Are your company’s wages in line with the market? Inflation is often the topic of conversation in the news and in everyday conversation. I recently read an article about Social Security increases, the largest in more than a decade, is on the horizon; you can check the article out here: Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment Could be the Highest in 13 Years. What does that mean for individuals? It means you should know your worth, or rather, know what the going rate is for your role. I’m currently working on a wage compensation study and researched the Consumer Price Index to

The Cost of Sexual Harassment

EEOC reported sexual harassment claims have ebbed and flowed for years now. Some years it’s up and some it’s down. The “MeToo” movement gained momentum in 2017 and for the two years following we saw a rise in EEOC sexual harassment claims. Now the numbers are starting on the down curve again; I’m sure in part due to the pandemic and move to remote workforces. But being remote doesn’t protect any organization from the threat of sexual harassment situations.  A 2019 study conducted by Deloitte aimed to estimate the cost impact of sexual harassment on organizations. By creating a model

6 Steps for Planning and Implementing Effective Extended Leave

Earlier in the week, our post was a reflection on why I will be taking a walkabout, or an extended amount of time away from work this fall.  Each person on our team will be taking four to six weeks off at some point within the next six months.   Whether it is taking time for intentional rest, reflection, and/or deep work or going out on maternity or extended sick leave, stepping away from anything at work requires preparation beforehand in order for the time away and the people providing support during the time away to be a success. Here is

The Best Way to Retain and Recruit Top Talent in a Post COVID Environment

I could tell before he opened the door to the car that something had gone wrong at school.  My ten-year-old gets in the car, sits down, and scowls.  I ask him what’s wrong and he doesn’t answer. I ask his sister what is wrong and she says she doesn’t know.  I’m afraid to have to tell him that we are now headed to do something that he does not like to do, which is to go to reading lessons.  He loves his reading teacher, but he just hates to read.  Especially when he is in a bad mood.  Sister goes

Returning to Work Safety and Legally

A recent study by The Conference Board shows that 31% of employees are not comfortable returning to work and 39% are only moderately comfortable. So how can employers ensure that they address employee concerns as they create guidelines for returning to the office while also ensuring those guidelines are compliant with state and federal regulations?  The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety created a Hierarchy of Controls that addresses five focus areas designed to help control the spread of Covid-19 as organizations return to the office, ordering protocols from most effective to least effective at containing the spread of