Using Your Heart Not Your Head

I’m pregnant. With our third child. We are beyond excited and joyful about this new life coming into existence. But when you have an 8-year-old and almost 5-year-old, you and your husband both have demanding yet rewarding careers, and you are what the doctors call old enough to be of “advanced maternal age,” you get some interesting comments when you tell people this news. Some of my favorites have been: “You know, they say women with three kids are the most stressed.” “Well, when did that happen?” (I’m not sure if they were asking about conception or the decision to

4 Leadership Habits to Schedule

During my bout with the flu when my husband was proceeding to tell me about how busy his calendar was, he showed it to me on his phone later.  He actually did this while we were in the emergency room while I was hooked up to an IV that was administering fluids and nausea drugs to me while I waited to be admitted.  Hey, there is only so much you can talk about in the ER.  I was somewhat out of it (go figure) but talking about his schedule for the week reminded me of some good habits we ought

6 Lessons Learned from Rumbling with the Flu

The flu knocked me out cold last week.  Then it knocked my kids out. Trying to take care of two people that have the flu while you have the flu just doesn’t work well.  After trying to take care of one of them on his first day down, the other one started running a fever. I felt worse than I had if that was even possible and I looked at my husband and said, “You have to stay home from work tomorrow. I need help.” My husband hasn’t missed a day of work in over twelve years due to illness.

Have an Employee Bored as a Gourd? Not an ideal employment state!

What’s one thing that is extremely detrimental to both employers and employees? Boredom at work! I once worked with an adult client wanting to make a career change.  She was an extremely talented individual, and in talking with her about her then current employer she says she felt like she was just a “warm body”.  One of the main reasons she wanted a change was because she was bored as a gourd at work!  She worked for a government contractor (a waste of taxpayer money as she sat there bored) and none of her talents and skills were being utilized in

Must Reads for 2019

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”  Harry Truman We always end the year with great book recommendations and these can spark your reading for an upcoming year. But if you’re like me, you like to consider what new books might be coming to look out for along with some recommendations from top thinkers and leaders.   Here’s who I follow to create my must-read lists: Reese Witherspoon’s Book Picks.  Obviously, famous as the girl-next-door-like, Southern actress, Reese has created quite a platform promoting women’s stories on screen and in print.  Her Book Club reiterates the same passion.