3 Ways to Boost Intercultural Competence

Here’s what we know (and have known for a long, long time): a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce drives exponential business growth, organizational development, and continuous improvement. Intercultural competence can serve as both a critical performance management dimension for employees and a meaningful competitive advantage for the organization.  What we don’t always know is how to act on this understanding. In 2021, our team has locked in on the mantra, “Be impatient for action and patient for outcomes”. Here are 3 actions we’ve taken that you can take today to boost your intercultural competence:  Understand yourself and your organization first.

Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Business Writing

I often work with clients who aim to improve communication within their organizations. Many of them naturally focus their concerns on the verbal communication issues within their company but fail to evaluate the impact that their written communication may have.  Here are four simple steps to help improve your written communication:  Consider your audience. When preparing to draft written communication, whether it’s an email, marketing materials, or a business report, consider your audience. How you address a customer may be very different from how you would address an employee. How you present information on your company’s fourth-quarter earnings and goals

4 Exercises to Enhance Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

I sat down to watch The Social Dilemma with my husband this past weekend. OH.MY. Netflix describes the show as a “documentary-drama hybrid [that] explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.”  Besides the realization that our every move and word, maybe even our every thought at some point, is being tracked by our smartphones and computers for the purpose of benefiting a profit machine, I was most fascinated by the premise that social media is one of the key factors polarizing us as a people and growing divides in

What does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your Job Search?

Over the Christmas break, my family and I watched Soul, a Disney Pixar film. It was an interesting little movie. But what does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your job search?  “Pixar’s “Soul” is about a jazz pianist who has a near-death experience and gets stuck in the afterlife, contemplating his choices and regretting the existence that he mostly took for granted.”  – RobertEbert.com (Check out the full review here: Soul Movie Review) In the movie, the main character, Joe, helps Number 22 find her spark! Other career buzz words like passion and flow were found throughout the show. 

Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System?

Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System? As most of you know, I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer. I do my best to stay abreast of current trends in resume writing. I recently viewed a webinar regarding developing a resume for today’s market. One hot topic discussed was Applicant Tracking Systems. Did you know 90% of resumes are going through some type of online Applicant Tracking System? Will your resume make it through an ATS? Here are 3 Tips to Develop an Applicant Tracking System friendly resume:  Use Key Words (include a Summary or Skills Section) –