Personal Wellness Strategies

Personal wellness is something that is often considered a luxury. However, the older I get, the more I realize it is a necessity. Earlier this year, I had a scare with my blood pressure that sent me to the emergency room. After multiple tests and a follow-up with a cardiologist, I was diagnosed with stress and anxiety. On a side note, my elevated blood pressure is something inherited that will most likely result in medication for the rest of my life.  Stress which often leads to anxiety can cause a host of issues if not addressed. When my episode happened,

World Mental Health Day- October 10th, 2021

As World Mental Health Day approaches, let’s help end the stigma around mental health in the workplace.  Did you know?  Pre-Covid, 19% of adults in the US experienced a mental illness, and that number has increased 1.5 million since the start of the pandemic. (MHA) 24% of adults with a mental illness report an unmet need for treatment. This number has not declined since 2011. (MHA) 10.8% of Americans with a mental illness are uninsured. (MHA) 1 in 5 Americans experiences mental illness. (NAMI) Only 45% of American adults with mental illness seek treatment. (NAMI) Mental Health America ranks states

Three Steps to Effective Business Writing

How many emails do you get each day? How many pieces of paper pass through your hands in a week?  Written communication is the #1 form of communication used in the workplace. Whether it’s communicating with supervisors, co-workers, clients, or vendors, we are constantly sending written communication back and forth.  The top issue I hear from clients is a lack of effective communication in their organizations. And usually, that includes inadequate written communication. Effective business writing can have a huge impact on an organization’s ability to grow. Look at any job description and you’re likely to find the requirement of

6 Steps for Planning and Implementing Effective Extended Leave

Earlier in the week, our post was a reflection on why I will be taking a walkabout, or an extended amount of time away from work this fall.  Each person on our team will be taking four to six weeks off at some point within the next six months.   Whether it is taking time for intentional rest, reflection, and/or deep work or going out on maternity or extended sick leave, stepping away from anything at work requires preparation beforehand in order for the time away and the people providing support during the time away to be a success. Here is

Taking a Walkabout

It’s funny what will put you over the edge to make you bite the bullet on a decision you know you’ve been needing to make for quite some time.  Mine was a Hollywood movie star’s memoir.   Prone to reading a lot of business books and fiction, memoirs have become more and more of an interest for me in the last year or so, but not the pop culture icon type.   However, I’d heard a snippet of an interview with Matthew McConaughey on Sunday Today with Willie Giest on his bestselling memoir Greenlights and was intrigued. While in the airport