Career Spotlight: Legislative Aide

Are you a good communicator? Do you enjoy doing research and analyzing data? Is making arrangements and planning trips something you love to do? If so, you should consider a career as a Legislative Aide! Legislative aides work with representatives, senators and government officials to manage communication with constituents, organize representatives’ schedules, research legislation and typically direct activities in their offices. The requirements for a position as a legislative aide often vary according to the office and needs of the legislator. Education Required: Associate Degree or Bachelor’s Degree Skills and Personal Abilities: Written and Oral Communication Organization Critical Thinking Monitoring

Impacting the performance of employees when you just want them to show up, do their job and not complain

“I just want them to show up and do their job and not complain,” said one burned-out manager to me not long ago.  He was struggling with how to motivate the performance of several members of his staff, and in his exhaustion to try to be a leader, had adopted a mindset of something far from leadership. So how do leaders influence and impact the performance of employees when sometimes we just want them to show up and do their job and not complain? 1.  Adopt a Leadership Mindset. First, a mindset of leadership needs to be present.  Leadership is

How to Answer the Interview Question “What is your greatest weakness?”

How to Answer the Interview Question “What is your greatest weakness?” I can just hear the canned answers to the question, “What is your greatest weakness?” from an interview candidate. Most of the time the response goes something like this… “Well, I’m a perfectionist.” Or, even better, “I’m a workaholic.” Or how about the question, “Tell me about a time when you’ve failed?” and the candidate just stares at you before responding, “Well, I can’t think of a time when I’ve failed.” I’ve actually had more than one student being interviewed for an ambassador program at a their high school

1 Tip for Stay-at-Home Moms and Dads Ready to Re-enter the Workplace

In talking with a successful realtor (see her story on Thursday’s blog post!) about her transition back into the workplace after ten plus years out of the pay-for- working world (believe me she WORKED while she was at home, she just didn’t get paid to do it) her advice to those seeking to do the same was simple: Figure out where you frequent and pursue work opportunities there. Where you frequent could be a physical place or it could be a place in your mind. For example, this stay-at-home mom turned realtor featured on House Hunters found that she loved

3 Steps for Growing Future Leaders with a Job Shadowing or Internship Program

Do you want to grow tomorrow’s talent today? Some of the best companies know the value of an internship program to their talent management strategy. And current research shows that 40% of interns return to the organization they interned with for full-time employment   If you’re a college student, participating in an internship(s) is one of the best methods for ensuring job offers come your way before you graduate.   In fact, choosing a college based on their relationships with top employers and their established, quality internship programs should be a key factor in vetting a college. If your organization is considering