Paid Parental Leave

Did you see where Trump announced a plan for paid family leave? Smart move Mr. Trump.  Love him or hate him you’ve got to give him credit, this was a smart political move to draw the female vote, especially given that his opponent might have a leg up on the female voter pool. The day after this announcement, I got this information from a friend (who is in fact pregnant): The gist is this: “The United States is at a crossroads in its policies towards the family and gender equality. Currently America provides basic support for children, fathers, and mothers in

Millennials Don’t Feel Entitled to Your Job,They Want You to Help Them Chart Their Career

The generation of participation trophies, therefore, the generation of entitlement.  Therefore, the group that thinks their degree, or maybe just the mere fact that they breathe, entitles them to the CEO seat 18 months in.  You’ve heard it all.   And if they don’t get that CEO seat, by the way, well they are also a generation of job hoppers. But when you talk to most millennials (myself included), you’ll find that they don’t want or expect to have the top job 18 months in, but they may want it at some point in their life.  And isn’t that a good

The name of the game is FREEDOM: How innovative companies motivate, get, and retain the best…

“The competition to hire the best will increase in the years ahead. Companies that give extra flexibility (freedom) to their employees will have the edge in this area.” Bill Gates I can’t neglect (since I missed the window over the 4th) to make sure to make a point about freedom during our nation’s birthday month. And as by coincidence or actually, by what really makes a whole lot of sense, you can’t talk about what drives innovation without talking about freedom. America is a country that was built around the concept of freedom. Despite a presidential campaign grounded on “Making

Innovate or Die? And the Best Places to Work

Innovation is a buzzword in business now.  In a fast-paced world where change and adapting is necessary in order to survive in business, innovation seems to be what all people want to point to that keeps companies alive.  “Innovate or die” we hear.   But is it worth all the hype? Despite the fact that I often hate cliché words or phrases (don’t ask me about what I think about the word “synergy”, for example), I’m on the innovation bandwagon. I believe in today’s business world it truly is what separates the winners from the losers.   And you can see why

Talent Management Strategy Lessons Learned from T-ball

Guest Blogger: Drew Ward, husband of Horizon Point’s Mary Ila Ward If you have ever had a son or daughter play tee ball there is only one word that can describe it…chaos.  After being asked if I would coach tee ball this year my first thought was, “Lord, please give me the patience that I need to help teach the kids the game of baseball.”  My second thought was, “How can we go from chaos to controlled chaos with 11 five and six year olds running around?” Little did I know that a couple of weeks into the season I