Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System?

Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System? As most of you know, I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer. I do my best to stay abreast of current trends in resume writing. I recently viewed a webinar regarding developing a resume for today’s market. One hot topic discussed was Applicant Tracking Systems. Did you know 90% of resumes are going through some type of online Applicant Tracking System? Will your resume make it through an ATS? Here are 3 Tips to Develop an Applicant Tracking System friendly resume:  Use Key Words (include a Summary or Skills Section) –

3 Things Business Leaders Can (and Should) Do to Help Marginalized People

This year, I have the opportunity to take part in Leadership Greater Hunstville. This program focuses on educating and equipping business leaders to also be community leaders through intense exposure to all facets of the community.  “Human Services Day” took place this week.  It focuses on understanding the needs of the community and the not-for-profits that help meet these needs, many of which focus on helping marginalized people. The day began with a poverty simulation (CAPS), and we spent most of the afternoon hearing from a variety of not-for-profit entities in the community.  One of the not-for-profit leaders participating said

Interview Prep for Today’s Job Market

I’ve received several requests over the past few months in regard to preparing for an interview. Interviewing can be tricky. It varies from job to job and from employer to employer. Throw in a pandemic with virtual interviews and it gets even trickier! Just last week, I received a text from a wonderful client who was unsure of how well she did in a recent interview. She (jokingly) asked, “is there a class for interview anxiety?” If you don’t get anxious during an interview, please share your secret with the rest of us! On a side note, I’m sure she

Resources are the Bread and Butter of Career Planning

Take a look at the diagram below of the Career Planning Process. Did you follow this process in your own career? Did you know a model like this even existed when you were making critical decisions in your career planning? At Horizon Point, we use this model to train educators and career counselors as part of a Facilitating Career Development course, and we spend a lot of time focused on the center of the diagram: resources.   Source: https://www.ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sd/news_article/105650/_PARENT/CC_layout_details/false Looking at the basic model, resources are generally defined as materials you can lay hands on, whether print or digital. There are

Are There Differences in What Women and Men State as Career Needs and Goals?

“Grow in my current role.”& “Personal growth.”  “Financial security.” & “Growth in earnings.” These are two sets of responses gathered working with our clients and with Horizon Point and MatchFIT team members when posing the question, “What do you want out of your career?” as a part of our Leaders as Career Agents Process.  Which pair do you think came from men and which one do you think came from women?    Although not a scientific study, I have seen over and over again how the majority of men focus on the financial aspects of career growth and plans whereas women