Is It Time For A Workcation?

Research and personal experience tell us that American employees often underutilize or “save up” PTO, sometimes leading to disengagement and burnout. Could the workcation trend be an option for employees who don’t need time off but need a little inspiration and a change of scenery?  “Workcation” is the combination of work and vacation, where an employee works remotely from a destination other than home or an office for a short period of time. With the significant expansion of the remote/flexible workforce, are more people taking workcations? How do workcations impact organizations? These questions inspired a research project by Daniela Hodges,

Benefits of Remote Work for Employees

Ahh, remote work! Work as we know it will never be the same. At Horizon Point, remote work has always been part of our daily grind, so we definitely know the benefits.  Check out these Key Remote Work Statistics (as they relate to employees) from Small Biz Genius. 40% of people feel the greatest benefit of remote work is the flexible schedule. 76% of workers would be more willing to stay with their current employer if they could work flexible hours. People who work remotely at least once a month are 24% more likely to be happy and productive.  

Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Business Writing

I often work with clients who aim to improve communication within their organizations. Many of them naturally focus their concerns on the verbal communication issues within their company but fail to evaluate the impact that their written communication may have.  Here are four simple steps to help improve your written communication:  Consider your audience. When preparing to draft written communication, whether it’s an email, marketing materials, or a business report, consider your audience. How you address a customer may be very different from how you would address an employee. How you present information on your company’s fourth-quarter earnings and goals

4 Exercises to Enhance Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

I sat down to watch The Social Dilemma with my husband this past weekend. OH.MY. Netflix describes the show as a “documentary-drama hybrid [that] explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.”  Besides the realization that our every move and word, maybe even our every thought at some point, is being tracked by our smartphones and computers for the purpose of benefiting a profit machine, I was most fascinated by the premise that social media is one of the key factors polarizing us as a people and growing divides in

What does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your Job Search?

Over the Christmas break, my family and I watched Soul, a Disney Pixar film. It was an interesting little movie. But what does Pixar’s Soul have to do with your job search?  “Pixar’s “Soul” is about a jazz pianist who has a near-death experience and gets stuck in the afterlife, contemplating his choices and regretting the existence that he mostly took for granted.”  – (Check out the full review here: Soul Movie Review) In the movie, the main character, Joe, helps Number 22 find her spark! Other career buzz words like passion and flow were found throughout the show.