Secrets of the Job Search for Recent Graduates

This time of year is always crazy busy with upcoming graduation and new beginnings for recent grads. Job search is on the top of their lists. I often get inquiries about resumes, cover letters & job search strategies in the spring. So, I thought a blog post addressing secrets for the job search would be timely. But first, I want to share a quick story. A couple of months ago, I worked with a client who was approaching college graduation. She was a treat to work with; she had a wonderful attitude, great education background as well as impressive internship

What does Culture have to do with a Job Fair?

A friend of mine once shared with me a story of leaving a job to pursue one that seemed like a great opportunity. Soon after taking the new job, she discovered the culture was a nightmare. The company owner had terrible temper and was not necessarily following appropriate guidelines for the business they were in. Needless to say, it was not a culture fit for her and she moved on to find another job. When determining your next career move, culture should definitely be a considering factor. In the next few weeks, we will be talking about culture on The

The 3 Quickest Ways to Turn Off a Hiring Manager

You’ve landed the job interview! In preparation for your meeting with your potential boss, what should you do? Start by checking out these 3 quick ways to turn off a hiring manager: 1. Talking too much in the interview – Yes, the interviewer wants to know more about you and your experience. However, they don’t want your life history. Do your best to stick to short, concise answers to their specific questions. Don’t overshare – especially about previous terrible bosses! And, limit your questions to 2 or 3 good ones. 2. Too much follow-up – A thank you note is

What You Should Title Your Job Posting

The job market is hot right now.  As mentioned in a previous post about targeting passive candidates, there are more job openings now than there are people to fill them. So how do you get a candidate’s attention for your job when you post it?  Obviously, some things to consider are where you post it (and hopefully you aren’t just posting and praying) and how you are advertising/boosting your post within those sites. But one thing we often neglect to consider is the actual title we place on the job when we post it.  Most often, we just pull the

Improving Applicant Conversion Rates

We recently switched dentist offices. With three boys I always try to schedule their appointments at the same time and that normally means being handed a clipboard loaded with forms; one set for each child. To my surprise, when I walked up to the receptionist to sign in, she asked me to look at a computer screen on the counter and “fill out” their paperwork. On each screen, the information was pre-filled. All I had to do was make sure it was correct and click through the screens, then use an electronic signature pad to sign a few pages. It