In December of 2014, my then four-year-old son started having seizures. After three of them occurred in a short period of time, we went to see a pediatric neurologist who first did an electroencephalogram (EEG) to begin to identify the cause of the seizures so we could determine a course of treatment. Utilizing this technology as well as other techniques, she put our son on a medicine that has controlled his seizures. He hasn’t had one in over a year, and we are thankful for the doctors, the scientific discoveries and the technology that made this a reality. Neuroscience
Career assessments are a great tool for determining your career path. Assessments can help build self-awareness and then link you with career options based on your talents, passions and values.Whether you are taking your first leap into the workforce, contemplating a college major or making a mid-career change, assessments are certainly a resource you should consider. If you do any research on career assessments, you will find there are a vast number ofoptions. There are formal ones that must be administeredby a professional as well as informal onesthat can be done by others or even self-administered. So, how do you
Do you enjoy physics? Do you think medicine and dentistry are interesting? Are you an active listener who enjoys working with people? If any of these things describe you, then Diagnostic Medical Sonography may be the career field that would make you tick. What do you need to be a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer? Education: Required: Associate’s Degree or Post-secondary Certificate If you are a high school student, make sure you are focused on taking sciences including physics and biology. Skills: Diagnostic Medical Sonographers know how to: Think critically Communicate with others Analyze test data or images to inform diagnosis or
“$11.32 an hour,” she said. “That’s what many people can earn sitting on their couch. How am I supposed to encourage them to get off the couch when many of the jobs they qualify for don’t pay that?” This statement came from a frustrated state career center worker tasked with getting individuals off federal and state assistance through a job placement program. I could turn this conversation into a political post, but I won’t go there. Instead, I’d like to focus on how it illustrates a basic premise of motivation. I’m going to spend the next few weeks talking about
If you are considering a career change or are out of a job, you may consider doing what most people do – immediately begin to update your resume. While this is a great thing to do (whether you are out of a job, are hot on the job seeking trail, or not), sometimes it is important to take a step back and reflect on things before launching into the tactical aspects of job transition. One way to look at this is by giving the right side of your brain some exercise. The right side of our brains deal with the