Horizon Point’s Favorite Authors of the Year

We always do a book of the year and oftentimes a Top 10 list for certain types of books each year.   What I’ve found in my reading this year, though, is that there are some really good authors out there putting out more than one great read. They are thought leaders that write about things that span across the professional and personal and across industries and cultures.  They capture the heart and head with enjoyable prose and research-backed guidance. All help to guide better leadership, better workplaces, better homes, and better communities. Here are the authors we recommend putting on

Horizon Point’s Book of the Year

In January, we declared this year the year of authenticity. Authenticity would be at the heart of what we would pursue as individuals and as a business. So, of course, we set out to find a book of the year about authenticity. There are a lot of books out there directly related to this, and we as a team read at least a few of them. But none of them quite fit what we were trying to pursue, of what we were meaning by living as an authentic leader and leading an authentic life. But, one favorite book stuck out

I Think It Was His Eyes That Got Me

I think it was his eyes that got me. Deep brown, wide and curious with one a little lazy, I noticed he seemed a little lost in the mix. Or maybe what got me was that he was wearing the same Hulk Smash Halloween costume my kindergartener was wearing during their Halloween class party over two years ago. I was there as a mom trying to help with the chaos of five and six-year-olds amped up on candy and holiday excitement when I noticed him. The teacher had a neat pumpkin game where each child was given a small plastic

4 Ways to Help Change Happen When Change is Hard

“For anything to change, someone has to start acting differently.” from Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Change is all around us.  In our personal and professional lives, just when we might get to used to something, it changes.  Many of the most life-altering personal changes that we choose like marriage and children we tend to embrace and get excited about.  We put ourselves in these situations of change. At work, though, changes often occur, and we didn’t prompt them. They are unsettling and hard. We work a lot with clients helping them manage change.  In addition, when we are

To be the Best, Run with the Best

Since running my first marathon in 2009, it’s been in the back of my mind.  Can I run a sub-four-hour marathon?  Of the two I’ve done, I would have to shave more than twenty minutes off my time to do so. This summer, I started running occasionally with someone who runs fast.  So fast, she has qualified for Boston and qualified this year to run the New York City Marathon. I think her marathon PR is around a 3:24. This means she has finished a marathon about an hour faster than I have. She typically runs each mile at least