October Leadership Carnival

Welcome to the October 6, 2014 edition of the Leadership Development Carnival! Enjoy these great posts from 29 of the best leadership bloggers. Every quote is a link to tweet. Feel free to share with your networks! Lolly Daskal from http://www.lollydaskal.com/ presents Take a Hard Look in the Mirror “When the life you lead reflects your inward self, you can then truly lead others.” @LollyDaskal #leadership #leadfromwithin John Hunter from Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog presents Take Advantage of the Strengths Each Person Brings to Work   “Take maximum advantage of people’s strengths while minimizing the impact of weaknesses.”@curiouscat_com Joan Kofodimos from

BEYOND Thrilled to Welcome Taylor Simmons to our Team!

We are BEYOND thrilled to have Taylor Simmons begin work with Horizon Point as a Career Consultant.   Taylor has a background in human resources and workforce development, most recently serving as the Director of Education and Workforce Development for the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce. Taylor’s education, experience and skills will bring tremendous value to Horizon Point as we seek to grow passion and productivity in the workplace, but most importantly, Taylor embodies the Horizon Point Values of People First, Passion, Productivity, Continuous Learning and Improvement and Give Back. Taylor’s Passion + Productivity = Give Back mindset begins with her

3 Steps for Growing Future Leaders with a Job Shadowing or Internship Program

Do you want to grow tomorrow’s talent today? Some of the best companies know the value of an internship program to their talent management strategy. And current research shows that 40% of interns return to the organization they interned with for full-time employment   If you’re a college student, participating in an internship(s) is one of the best methods for ensuring job offers come your way before you graduate.   In fact, choosing a college based on their relationships with top employers and their established, quality internship programs should be a key factor in vetting a college. If your organization is considering

How Personality Assessment Can Help You Be A Better Leader

“This is why I’m not married anymore,” said a participant in a recent leadership training class.   She was partly kidding, but it was obvious that the results of her personality assessment, which were being used to launch the leadership training series we were conducting for her company, had struck a cord. Her personality assessment showed that she was a highly dominant, take charge, get it done kind of person.  These characteristics had served her well in her role in finance with the organization, but she realized that maybe her personality had impacted the success of her marriage. In another conversation

3 Ways to Keep Your Adult Kids from Moving Back in with You

The statistics are startling.  In 2009, 80% of college graduates moved back in with their parents according to CNN Money.  That’s just because the economy was so bad then you say. Probably not. Market Watch reported that a Pew Research Center Analysis determined that in 2012, 36% of adults ages 18-36 live at home with their parents.   That’s more than 1/3 of young adults in America not out on their own.  If you consider someone over 30 a “young adult”.  And Tim Elmore reports in his new book, 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid, that in 2013 85% of college