Business Observations Of an Intern

After working as a high school intern for Horizon Point Consulting for two summers, I’ve picked up on some themes and practices that seem to make this company successful. In the name of full disclosure, I don’t have official confirmation that these are “company ideals.” These are simply my observations of their values that lead to overall success and respect from their clients and partners.  The biggest thing I have noticed is Mary Ila’s generosity. I have been so humbled to be a recipient of her love for over a year now, but the longer I have known her, the

The Best Way to Retain and Recruit Top Talent in a Post COVID Environment

I could tell before he opened the door to the car that something had gone wrong at school.  My ten-year-old gets in the car, sits down, and scowls.  I ask him what’s wrong and he doesn’t answer. I ask his sister what is wrong and she says she doesn’t know.  I’m afraid to have to tell him that we are now headed to do something that he does not like to do, which is to go to reading lessons.  He loves his reading teacher, but he just hates to read.  Especially when he is in a bad mood.  Sister goes

3 Ways to Think about levels of Pay + A “Bonus”

As you can tell from our previous post on all the hiring incentives that are out there now, it is a job-seekers market.  A recent LinkedIn update titled “Power shifts in a tight job market” summarizes what employers are doing to lure people to their open positions:   Employers eager to fill positions are offering more to attract talent — and they aren’t just upping pay or showing more flexibility — they’re also training workers and taking more chances on people who don’t meet traditional qualifications. “No experience necessary” roles have spiked by two-thirds compared to 2019, and posts offering starting

For Lucy

We have had the privilege of doing work and life with Lucy Orr as a company and a family over the last couple of years. She has helped us with so many things at Horizon Point and MatchFIT. She performs each task with excellence, professionalism, and a joyful spirit.  She brings this same sense of self when keeping our children. She brings sparks of joy and excitement into their lives.  We will be forever grateful for Lucy and for all she has done for us. In reflecting on all Lucy has taught us (and as I still try to selfishly

4 Ways to Cultivate Openness to Experience to Enhance Innovation and Leadership

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain I have recently returned from a nine-day trip to Turkey.  It’s been almost five years since I’ve traveled internationally, so I was excited that a trip that I thought would most likely not happen this year due to the COVID pandemic in fact did.   I was able to travel with my dad through Educational Opportunities,