3 Things to Do When You’re NOT Looking to Make a Career Move

HR professionals know the War for Talent is real. So, what does that mean for individuals who are comfortable in their current jobs? It’s simple; don’t get too comfortable.

I received a call from a colleague once who said a hiring manager had reached out to her about me. Apparently, she had seen our connection on LinkedIn and asked if she thought I might be interested in a job. I wasn’t even looking, but was offered an opportunity that turned out to be enjoyable contract work and nice supplemental income.

Now more than ever, recruiters and hiring managers are seeking out passive candidates. Even if you love your job, you never want to become complacent. Always strive to be the passive candidate companies are looking for.

Here are 3 things to consider:

  1. Grow and foster your connections – reach out to at least one potential or current contact per week to touch base. This can be as simple as a call, text or email. Check out: 7 Networking Do’s and Don’ts.
  2. Keep your LinkedIn profile current. If you don’t have one, check out 3 Steps to Get Your LinkedIn Profile Job Search Ready.
  3. Be a lifelong learner. For ideas, read this article via HR bartender: How to Plan Time for Self- Learning.

Are you ready to be an amazing, passive candidate?


Taylor Simmons