10 years of Marriage and Five years of Blogs

August has been a month of milestones at our house. First born off to kindergarten and the celebration of 10 years of marriage.

We decided to celebrate our marital bliss (of course it hasn’t been all roses, but it has been a fun ride so far) with training for a marathon together and a trip to the Dominican Republic. Just us. No kids. Thank goodness for wonderful in-laws and parents.


While we’re away, I thought it would be nice to honor the man that makes me a better person everyday with the blog posts he’s inspired over the years.

Most are about sports, including this series on leadership lessons learned from college football:

Leadership lessons from college football

Leadership Lessons from Football – Maximize & Recognize Your Rudys

Leadership Lesson from Football – The “Mediocre” & Team Success

Do you have a better half?

And the one he wrote:  Talent Management Lessons Learned from T-Ball

And for the ones that may not have been as obvious to the reader that he inspired…

Each of these posts tie back to how he teaches me each day that avoiding judgment leads to better leadership:

4 Tips for the C- Level Executive to Empower the Middle Manager

3 Tips for Checking your Facts: Leaders know things aren’t always what the seem

Leading through Expectations and Empathy


What leadership lessons has your spouse taught you?



Mary Ila Ward