Work and Lifestyle Values: A Real Life Example

Continuing with the example of Graham, thework and life values he identified for himself are (those in blue you can click on to see job matches):

$1·      Responsibility for Outcomes and Results

$1·      Freedom to Make Decisions

$1·      Recognition

$1·      Flexibility of work schedule

$1·      High Earning Potential (related to cost of living in the area)

$1·      Culturally and socially rich city or environment

Graham likes to be in charge and be responsible for his work and the outcomes that are achieved.  And he wants to be compensated accordingly for the outcomes he achieves. He thrives in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment where his results can be measured.

Lifestyle wise, he seeks opportunities where he can be in charge of his work schedule and have flexibility in how and when work is performed.   He likes opportunities for cultural and social outlets in the city/town in which he lives, but does not seek a big city lifestyle.

Next week, we’ll put the pieces together of talents, passions and values through the example of Graham.

Can you guess what he does for a living yet? It isn’t something run of the mill…


Mary Ila Ward