A New Take On Time Management

I’ve been asked by a friend to write a post on time management. It seems fitting at the beginning of each year to look at how we manage our time and “resolve” to manage it more appropriately as we begin anew.  But other than this one tidbit of time management advice, I’m not going to write today about time management: How you spend your time should be based on your purpose, and your purpose should be captured in a mission statement to govern how you spend your time.  Instead, in considering time management, I think it is worth reflecting on

College Prep Checklist

Have no clue what to do when to prepare for college admissions? You’re not alone. Recently, two parents and their high school senior were in our office seeking our assistance in vetting different college programs. They were shocked to hear that most admission deadlines in order to be considered for scholarships were less than two weeks away. In addition, they had already missed a few early acceptance application process deadlines to schools that were at the top of their list. Preparation for college can be a daunting process, with many students and their parents caught at the last minute with

2013 Year In Review

This year, I made my professional and personal goals public in order to demonstrate one effective characteristic of goal setting- going public with them. So, did going public help? Here’s how this year shook out: Goal 1. Maximize productivity in the morning. Result: Accomplished, but room for improvement. I didn’t get up as early as I had planned, and I really owe more credit to this happening to my running accountability partner and my early-bird three year old than I do myself. But, mornings have gone a lot smoother this year. Goal 2. Grow company revenue by 30% or more

Horizon Point Holiday!

At Horizon Point, we work to instill hope by creating passion and productivity in the workplace. This holiday season, we wish you all the joy and hope that this time of year can bring. Card design by Kayla Riggs. To view her work or order products, email her at  KRiggs06207@gmail.com or visit:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dibble-Dabble-Designs/247841588572483?ref=hl Thanks!

Help Your Child Create A Pros And Cons List Not A Good And Bad List

Stressed about helping your high school senior pick a college? The acceptance letters have started coming in and you’re not sure what is the best option for them, or you feel like you do, but you’re worried you will be too vocal with your opinion of what you think is best. Experienced your freshman or sophomore in college leaving to go back to school from the Thanksgiving holiday almost in tears because they hate the classes they are taking and thus their major? We get calls this time of year from concerned parents seeking help on how to advise their