Space to Focus



It has been a busy month. We call it Maycember, busy like December but without the gifts. Focusing during a busy month or busy season can be tricky. Not only is May a busy work month, wrapping up one big project to begin the next, it is also a busy season for me personally. My daughter’s high school graduation is tonight and focusing is something I’m struggling with right now. Juggling so much makes it difficult to focus. However, this isn’t my first rodeo with busy seasons. Working moms do this time and again. We are fortunate at HPC to always have the flexibility to incorporate space to focus when we need to. Here are a few ways we do that:

  1. For the most part, we set our schedules. We plan work when we feel we are most productive (early morning for me).
  2. Whenever possible, I intentionally incorporate downtime every week. I typically don’t schedule appointments on Friday and instead, I work most Sunday afternoons to prepare for the week ahead.
  3. I work wherever I feel most productive. I have a home office, but I prefer my screened in back porch on most days or sometimes a local coffee shop. 

Just last week, our team attended a conference at the beach. We all incorporated work in between conference sessions. The beach is always a great place to focus. Emily and I walked on the beach a couple of mornings; we talked about work, family and busy seasons. 

Do you have space to focus? If not, find a way! Here a couple of tips:

  1. Make an outline of your schedule the week before. Find space to focus. Do you have an extra hour in the morning, at lunch or after work to take a walk or enjoy quiet time in one of your favorite spots?
  2. Identify a “focus” partner who will hold you accountable for finding space to focus. It is always easier to stick to a habit if someone is counting on you to do it.

Check out The Point Blog to read more about our series on “space.”


Taylor Simmons