Passion + Productivity = Give Back (Manufacturing)

Making a transition back into the workplace can be challenging for a stay-at-home mom or dad that has been out of the workplace for quite some time, but with a focus on discerning what your passionate about, how that can make you productive and how that leads to you giving back to a cause, community or purpose that you love, the transition is not quite as hard as it seems.

Whitney Clemons, a realtor with Ben Porter ERA did just that.   Trained as an Accountant at the University of Alabama, Whitney spent time in her twenties working as an accountant and auditor at what was, at that time, a big eight accounting firm and then Intergraph. Although she learned a lot in these roles, she wasn’t passionate about the work.

After her first child turned one and another one soon on the way (followed by a third several years later) Whitney and her husband made the decision for her to stay at home with their children.   It was the best thing for a family and a decision she doesn’t regret, but when her oldest turned 15, she began to realize that she didn’t want to be sitting at home when all of her kids were off at college without a plan and a passion.

“I love properties and houses and helping people with major life decisions,” she says. In addition, although the experience she had as an accountant and auditor didn’t lead her to love either of those roles, the components of those positions in reviewing legal contracts, multi-tasking and organizing were all things she enjoyed. She found that real estate was an avenue to weld these things together.

Although not certain this was a full-time route she wanted to take, she pursued and got her real estate license anyway. “Act.” she says, “Even if you aren’t 100% sure it is what you want to do, move forward and see.”

And with this advice, what was part-time became full-time within 12 months and what has lead Whitney to be a $7 million producer annually, coming in as the number two producer for all five North Alabama offices including offices that serve a much bigger market than the one she primarily serves.

But her focus is not on the production number, but the passion behind the productivity and the focus on giving back. “My first and really only measure of productivity is a satisfied customer,” she says.

These continual satisfied customers have led to referrals, repeat business and even an appearance on House Hunters for Whitney, but the revenue and the TV appearance never were the goal. Satisfied people were and continue to be.


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In addition, giving back to her community is a focus. Throughout her adult life Whitney volunteered with the schools in her community and the hospital, among other things. She realized that she could continue to promote the community through marketing and selling homes, and in fact, this could potentially be the best way for her to give back and make the most impact to promote her community.

She said, “The hospital is important for the vitality of the community, the schools are important, beautification is important, but so is getting young families to live in the community in order to support and grow all of these things.”

Your passion doesn’t have to be separate from the way you are giving back, and neither should your vocation or career.   All should be interwoven.   Thanks to Whitney for reminding us to weave them all together and focus on productivity through people not numbers or dollars.


Mary Ila Ward