Personal Leadership on Purpose

5 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU THROW YOURSELF OUT OF WHACK I’m a big advocate for living a balanced life.  Like I mentioned last week, I especially advocate for living a balanced life based on your mission and the examination of a balanced lifestyle based on the roles in which you serve.  But roles change as life changes, and having the flexibility and discernment to know when to throwing yourself out of balance is a wise decision for personal leadership is important. Some times when this may be appropriate is when your starting a new job, a new company,

Lesson in Personal Leadership 1: Define and Focus on What’s Important

In beginning to discuss lessons in personal leadership, I want to first define what I mean by “personal” leadership.  Quite simply, this is the ability to lead yourself.   It’s difficult if not impossible to have the capacity to lead others if you don’t have the ability to guide yourself in achieving outcomes that are important to you. To do this though, you have to first know what is important to you! Unfortunately many people, don’t sit down an actively consider what their priorities are based on what their purpose is, so therefore they end up letting things that aren’t aligned

Stuck in the Middle

4 TIPS FOR C LEVEL EXECUTIVES TO EMPOWER THE MIDDLE MANAGER I often think that being a “middle manager” may be the worst place to be in the organizational hierarchy.    I often have middle managers in my leadership classes who complain that they feel stuck in the role of go-betweener.  They feel as though the purpose they serve is to act as a buffer between employees and upper management without the authority to make key decisions that they feel are best for their people and the company. I recently saw this happening to a middle manager that told me, “I

The New Career Series: Your Light

As a child, I remember singing “This Little Light of Mine” in Vacation Bible School.  My favorite part was when we got to sing, “Hide it under a bushel, NO! I’m gonna let it shine!”  I think I, in part, loved this section of the song because we got to yell the word, “NO!”  when yelling was hardly ever allowed in church or at any other place for that matter.               Now as a career and leadership coach, I find that I love this part of the song because shouting a resounding “NO!” to hiding your “light” under a

New Addition to Thursday- Career Development Series

I will be starting a weekly blog post on Thursdays (in addition to our leadership focused blog post on Mondays) that focuses on Career Development.  Although this will be useful information for people of all ages, it should particularly be helpful for students.  Hope you enjoy this new series! Here’s what we’ll cover: Part 1: Your Horizon A.  Know Yourself:  Explore your talents, passions and values to make wise career decisions. -Talents as employers see them- KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics) -Passions through your Holland Code -Values- know your ideal workstyle and lifestyle B.     Understand the Market -Are you useful?