To continue our periodic posts on Leadership How-Tos as a suggestion from participants in my last Leadership I class, I’d like to suggest an activity that combines two of the class topics:
1. Teamwork
2. Communication
In the class, everyone takes a Communication Style Assessment. You can take an online assessment like the one taken in the class for $31.00 each and/or click here to see all the other products that go along with the assessment.
To better understand communication in the workplace and build camaraderie amongst your team (and have a little fun while you are at it!) get this style assessment or another you find that you like and have your team members take it. Then plan a 30 minute team building session to discuss everyone’s results.
Facilitate a discussion that includes:
1. What each person’s style means to them. Get people to describe a scenario at work that shows their style.
2. Have a good discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of each style.
3. Ask members of the team to pair up with someone who has a different style than they do and discuss ways to improve communication between those two types of styles. Have them share with the group.
4. Focus on the fact that no one style is right or wrong, but knowing ourselves and knowing others on our team helps us communicate more effectively.

Want other example of a teambuilding activity? Check out upStartHR’s post here.