Creating Community in Your Organization

Shortly after the Charlottesville riots, I read an article about how the University of Virginia was responding to ensure that they continue to strive to be a diverse community that welcomes all in a safe environment. And it made me think, how can employers do the same?

Many employers have diversity and inclusion programs, but are those programs truly successful? The recently publicized anti-diversity manifesto by, a now terminated Google employee, is a severe example of a diversity and inclusion program that may need revamping. I’d be curious to know if that manifesto has prompted Google to review their program.

Bersin by Deloitte conducted a two-year research study published by in 2015 that showed “Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.” Their research shows that a truly successful diversity and inclusion program has an impact far beyond the HR aspect, it impacts the business as a whole.

According to the study, those companies that emphasized leadership and inclusion in their talent strategy, were rated as exceptional organizations. Those companies, compared to the others in the study showed:

  • 3 times higher cash flow per employee over a three-year period
  • 8 times more likely to be able to coach people for improved performance, 3.6 times more able to deal with personnel performance problems, and 2.9 times more likely to identify and build leaders

The study further showed that the two areas that had the greatest impact on business performance were the areas that focused on diversity and inclusion. Organizations that had successful programs saw the highest impact on their business performance.

I once hired a speaker who specialized in diversity and inclusion training to speak at an organization where diversity and inclusion was a problem, and one simple thing he said has stuck with me. Diversity and inclusion is so much more than planning company potlucks and sticking everyone in the same room.

Now is a great time to review your diversity and inclusion program. Does your organization strive to be a diverse community that welcomes all in a safe environment?

To read the full Bersin by Deloitte study, click here.

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Lorrie Coffey