Introducing Lorrie Coffey! If anyone had asked me when I was in college what field I wanted to go into, Human Resources wouldn’t even have been on my list of possibilities. There are those of us who know what we are destined for and then there are those of us, like myself, who seem to stumble upon it when we least expect it. I like to say that I didn’t find HR, it found me. I started my HR career working for a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) providing outsourced HR services to clients that ranged from small start-ups to Fortune
By guest blogger: Steve Graham “Rounding” is a term most people associate with doctors. Doctors make rounds to check on patients and engage with those involved in patient care. This practice has existed for decades in healthcare. In most business environments rounding is not as common, but it should be! In his best selling book, Hardwiring Excellence, Quint Studer comments on how leaders tend to be task-oriented, however, most people desire a deeper level of connection. According to Studer, almost 40% of staff leaves due to a poor relationship with their supervisor or manager (Studer 2003). One great thing about
Written by guest blogger: Jackie Waters. Jackie is passionate about sustainability and simplicity. She runs, providing advice on being…Hyper Tidy! Planning for the future sounds like a scary, overwhelming task, but once we reach a certain age it’s imperative to have a plan in place for finances, living situations, education, and emergencies, and not just for yourself–for your children too. Many people find it difficult to budget for next month, let alone ten years down the road, but there are several easy ways to help you can start planning for the future and give yourself peace of mind; you just have
Week 14 Weekly Mileage: 32 Long Run: 16 I dipped out last week and didn’t write a week 13 running and leading post. I was too busy with work and with trying to keep up with training and family, so I gave myself a bye week- for writing, not running (we ran 38 miles last week). Maybe the best leadership lesson for this post should be for us all to give ourselves a bye every once in a while…. But a topic has been weighing on me related to running and leading stemming from my long run of 22 miles alone a
Today’s post is a video of founder of Horizon Point Consulting, Inc., Mary Ila Ward, discussing her path to entrepreneurship. She addresses the following five questions in the video for those considering a business start-up: Can you stick your foot in the water before jumping in full force? If not, have you planned financially to jump out on your own all at once? How are you building relationships now to foster potential success for going out on your own in the future? Is entrepreneurship right for you? What is your motivation for doing what you are doing? Do you have