The name of the game is FREEDOM: How innovative companies motivate, get, and retain the best…

“The competition to hire the best will increase in the years ahead. Companies that give extra flexibility (freedom) to their employees will have the edge in this area.” Bill Gates I can’t neglect (since I missed the window over the 4th) to make sure to make a point about freedom during our nation’s birthday month. And as by coincidence or actually, by what really makes a whole lot of sense, you can’t talk about what drives innovation without talking about freedom. America is a country that was built around the concept of freedom. Despite a presidential campaign grounded on “Making

You can hire for fit AND diversity: How the most innovative companies hire

“At Google, we front- load our people investment. This means the majority of our time and money spent on people is invested in attracting, assessing and cultivating new hires.”  – Work Rules! Let’s face it, hiring is where your organization starts. It’s where HR starts its job and quickly proves or disproves its value, and it is where, as I saw through digging through lots and lots of research and writings by those who are winning in business, where you need to be focused on intently if you are going to be able to have an innovative workplace. But we’ve

What are your biggest HR Pain Points?

We had a fun time at #ALSHRM16 learning from some HR thought leaders. In keeping with our tradition to learn more, not only from the conference presenters but also from attendees at the conference, we asked people to respond to the question, “What are your biggest HR pain points?”   Although in no way a scientific study, here is what we got: First of all, as a comparison to last year’s pain points gathered at  #ALSHRM15 we see: Compliance training lost the number one spot by a landslide to one of last year’s number two contenders- Employee Development (thank goodness, employee development as we call at Horizon Point, is “fun HR”

4 Lessons Learned from a Week of Being Unplugged

As I wrote about earlier, I took a week long vacation, and vowed for the first time in five years to completely disengage from anything and everything work related. As we know, in our hyper-connected society, many of us have the ability and flexibility to work from anywhere in the world at anytime, and this can be a good and bad thing.  In fact, while on my unplugging venture, reading this article about work/life imbalance and the workplace flexibility paradox stood out like a sore thumb. After staying true to that promise, here are some lessons I learned: 1. The people you

Hitting the Gym Can Benefit Your Career!

I was in the gym the other day, trying to mind my own business while doing sit-ups (well attempting to do them), when I overheard a conversation between a personal trainer and the trainee. It went something like this: Trainee:  “Has your husband found a job yet?”…as she pulls on some ropes doing some exercise that made no sense. Trainer:  “No, he’s still looking.” Trainee: “What is it that he does?”  She stops her workout. The trainer said something about some obscure field of physics that made no sense to me.   (There is a theme developing here….) Trainee: “Really? We